I change the TMP Meterial Preset using GameObject Localizer.
If you change the language while playing, the edges of the font will be cut off, as shown in the screenshot.
What’s the problem?
I change the TMP Meterial Preset using GameObject Localizer.
If you change the language while playing, the edges of the font will be cut off, as shown in the screenshot.
What’s the problem?
Do you also change the font or just the material? I think you may need to do both.
Both LocalizeTMPFontEvent and GameObjectLocalizer are used.
However, LocalizeStringEvent is not used.
Unity: 2022.3.8f1
Localization: 1.4.5
Is there any other way to change the TMP material preset?
I think they are likely conflicting, you should not need both. Try just using the LocalizeTMPFontEvent.
If you are looking to apply the font to all text then this may be better Localize the default TextMeshPro font