Hi there,
Just wondering, is there a way to change this texture to additive? (or maybe even some other blend modes)
There is not at this time. This would have to be handled by modifying the shaders.
Thanks Stephan, no worries. Out of interest what part of the shader code would I be loooking at? I have limited shader experience but I might try and have a poke around to se if I can get it happening.
Is it possible to have this work with the BlendMode package or the Colorful package? The first one specifically supports blend modes in UI and I’ve tried adding a custom TextMeshPro object to it, but I think you do things a bit more complex in the shader
Look for Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
Change to Blend One One
That only seems to allow for very few blend modes? Here’s a list of blend modes that asset supports: https://www.slrlounge.com/workshop/the-ultimate-visual-guide-to-understanding-blend-modes/
Sorry I was responding to the OP, not you. If you have a different query, you should totally make a thread for it.
Hi guys,
I’ve gone down the path of editing the shader. They can be a bit scary but I got there, and even made a few extra tweaks!
care to share the additive material for text? I’m really surprised this isn’t a built-in option. Additive text looks awesome on HUDs.
Hey @dark_tonic , do you want the whole shader to be additive? If so, do this -
It gets a bit tricky because there are a bunch of different shaders you could be using, so it might be better if you mod it yourself.