Changing topic names

Since i don’t know were to ask it i placed it here so mods feel free to replace it somewhere else.

But back to my question. I started a WIP topic for a desert pack i’m working on see here:

I started by thinking lets make some rocks but that idea got bigger into making a desert pack.

Now my problem is the title still says Rocks Rocks and more Rocks [ Work in progress ]
how can i change this to something relative thats going on in my topic right now?

I wanted to do that before. But no success. I think it would be hard to change the title because the title generates URL. If change, then, it will mess up the url. And no one would want that. After all, why would you change the name? It can make it confuse to other people.

Its like magic but i think a admin changed the title since its now corected

Yeah, I changed it… not sure why users can no longer do this themselves. I’ll look into it.

I believe it started happening after the forum system was upgraded.