Changing Vehicle Prefab At Current Position

Okay so I’m in the middle of building an open world multiplayer car game, you can see it here.

So what I’m wanting to achieve is in my scene, having a vehicle selector, that can change the vehicle on the spot, and that every other player can see.

The closest thing I found to what I want is in, if you watch until about 0:40 you can see what I want to achieve.

This is my script so far

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class ChangeCar : NetworkBehaviour {

    public GameObject[] vehicles;

    private GameObject currentVehicle;

    void Start()
        currentVehicle = GetComponent<GameObject>();

    public void ChangeVehicle(int vehicle)
        if (isLocalPlayer)
            Network.Instantiate((vehicles[vehicle]), transform.position, transform.rotation, 0);


No progress from my side, if any of you could even hint out a way of achieving this it would be really really handy! As I’m still quite a noob to coding

Does anyone even reply to these types of threads?

hey woodsy, just letting you know feeling your pain :wink:
trying just to spawn different player prefabs with the networkmanager doesn’t seem to be anything near HLAPI
I would point you to this… but unfortunately it doesn’t work… or at least i can’t get it work…