Character Animation - frame values

I recently bought a “game-ready” character model. The product info says it has 50 animations embedded into the .FBX file. I’ve imported the file into Unity, but I don’t know how to determine the frame values to use in order to split the animations into clips. I’m wondering how do you know what frame values to enter into the “Split Animations” table in the inspector view?

For example:

walk animation during frames 1 - 33
run animation during frames 41 - 57
kick animation during frames 81 - 97

How does one know this?? I’ve searched the forums, looked through the manual, flipped through Will Goldstone’s book, and I still can’t figure out how anyone would know without noting the frame ranges what they are?! Please help!!!

Drag the object into the scene, open the Window->Animation window, select part of object with Animation component, click play, note frames.

I’m surprised they didn’t give you a readme or separate animations. :confused:

Thanks for your reply! I just don’t understand what the problem is here. Under the inspector, the file shows Animations as “blank” and is grayed out. In the animation window, there is nothing to play. See the picture:

I opened the model in fragMOTION and the ‘blank’ animation file contains 3331 frames, so the animations are in there. However, I have no idea what the frame ranges are still.

This is driving me crazy. The documentation that came with the model says: “Animations are embedded in the .FBX, .DAE, and .MS3D files for guaranteed compatibility. Note: Define the specific frame start and end times for each animation you wish to call in the manner described in your engine documentation.”

Then the Unity manual says: “the Split Animations table is where you tell Unity which frames in your asset file make up which Animation Clip.”

I just don’t know what names and frame ranges to put into the Split Animations table.

I contacted the vendor and they are working with me to update their product to make it easier to use in Unity. I’ll keep you posted. :slight_smile: