character animator issue

I have looked for the answer to my ? and can’t seem to find it. Please help. I have a enemy character with an animator controller on it. I have a walk animation (and it moves the character forward) and its set to Loop and also loop time and apply root motion is checked. I have tried checking and unchecking boxes and things but for some reason, the animation plays and loops but after the animation is done it moves the player BACK to where is started on the Y axis. When i just want the player to keep walking ahead. Sounds pretty simple, i must be missing something. The animation is from Mixamo along with my character. I know I could make the player walk in place and maybe animate an empty game object to move but that is not realistic. What am i missing here???

Root motion animations generally move forward in the Modelling software where the anim was created. Animations that dont move are referred to as ‘in-place’ which is likely what your jumping-back-to-zero animation is.

Try baking x-z in import tab or refer to the ‘go-to’ page for In-place root motion: