character component other than rigidbody

i would like to add something like rigidbody on my character,
but rigidbody do not do the things i expected.

I want my character can walk on the map i created,
which means it can walking smooth on a plane(when i add the rigidbody, it do not walk smooth)
also able to walk up and down on slopes or stair.

And the main thing i want is player A and player B can overlap each other,
without action and reaction which rigidbody does.

How can i achieve these?
Thank you

  1. Import the Character Controller unity package, then create 2 Character Controllers.

  2. Create a new layer and name it something like Characters. (To do this, select something in the scene, click its layer dropdown in the Inspector, then click Add New Layer…, then write the name of a new layer in one of the layers that doesn’t yet have a name. I’ll assume you call your new layer “Characters”.)

  3. Select all of your Character Controllers in the scene and set their layer to Characters, or whatever you named your custom layer.

  4. Open the physics settings (Edit → Project Settings → Physics) and in the matrix of physics collisions, untick the checkbox for Characters/Characters. This will stop colliders on the Characters layer from colliding with other colliders on the Characters layer.