I ask here why I think many have experiences that I don’t.
For you, what is the most suitable (that served you) and flexible character control found in Unity’s assets?
I ask here why I think many have experiences that I don’t.
For you, what is the most suitable (that served you) and flexible character control found in Unity’s assets?
can you elaborate what you mean “character control”?
There are many character controllers available, you just need to select one thats suited for your game (FPS, RPG, 1st Person/3rd Person, etc.), and is the most performant. I dont know your game or goal, so its hard to answer correctly.
Personally, i own/have many, many, controllers. They are all different, depending on what type of game i develop. I dev FPS/3d realism type games. But i must say, for that type of game, i only use 2 controllers (depending on which performs best), RFPS, and UFPS. My latest game im using a modified version of RFPS, and has been insanely good, performs great, lots of options, and can be customized/modded for different projects.
Again, dont know your game or its content. But i have at least 10+ controllers, so i can test and pick which fits my project, but i have to say, RFPS is my fav.
Have you seen these? They are free.
I used to go with Character Controller Pro in the past but I recently switched to my own custom character controller :).