Hello again. I’m off of the scripting issues (for now) and onto the collision features of Unity.
** CTRL + F “TAQ” for The Actual Question-- this is just me trying to be thorough
I have a script for a 3rd person camera that uses the Character Controller collider.
What I initially did: Attached the Character Controller to a basic capsule, added a rigidbody, and had no jitter at all.
What I just did: Transferred all scripts and necessary game objects over to my imported model and placed my model inside the character controller collider.
One of two things keeps happening:
The first issue I ran into (but fixed) was that my character kept being placed outside of the collider when I pressed play. I realized how to fix that… seems that it was fixed if I added the rigidbody before adding the collider.
The issue that I can’t seem to fix, however, is the camera jitter associated with the collider. I get no jitter if I put the character outside of the collider, but then that’s far from optimal.
I also don’t get jitter if I don’t use a rigidbody, but that’s sadly not an option either.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue?