Character controller collides a trigger


I have troubles with my character controller colliding a boxcollider while it’s setted as “Is Trigger”.

I’m a 2D toolkit animated sprite with a Unity’s character controller component.

Some pictures:

Sorry for my english and thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Look at the bottom of that page, there is a matrix that will show you what will generate trigger and collide messages. Since it’s a trigger, you want trigger messages, not collision.

Thanks for your answer.

I looked at the matrix but it did’nt help me : my box collider is supposed to be a “static trigger collider” and, according to the matrix, no collision detections is supposed to occur, whatever the other object is…

I just spent 3 hours to understand why it doesn’t work and I can’t find nothing.
I tried with a standard character controller (not a 2D toolkit sprite) and it’s the same.
Maybe I’m missing something ? If someone could help me, I would be very happy :slight_smile:

Something easily overlooked, but not explicitly stated within your posts, does either the trigger or the GameObject colliding with the trigger contain a Rigidbody component? My appologies if this is contained within the images, but I am unable to see any.

Hi lorenalexm and thanks for your interest.

No, no Rigidbody component on the character controller nor on the trigger.

OK, i just found the solution : in Projects settings > Physics, there is a litthe checkbox called “Raycasts Hit Triggers” which have to be unchecked !

As the Unity’s default Character Controller manage collisions with raycasts, the player was stopped with the trigger.

I can’t imagine this option is checked by default, I guess I turned it on before and didn’t remember…


Oh my god thank you from the bottom of my heart haha. I have been literally going insane trying to figure out why my character controller was hitting triggers…The “Raycast Hit Triggers” is now called “Queries Hit Triggers”. Thank you again!!!

The setting is now called ‘Queries Hit Trigger’

my character controller was landing on top of a detection collider on a moving platform, which was strange since it’s a trigger but removing this setting makes things work properly, thank you so much for this

Guys, thank you soooo much, this thread saved my project!