Hi, I’m pretty new to Unity, so apologies if this is a stupid question. I’ve created a Character Controller and a room with a box collider. For some reason, the Character Controller will go through the walls of the room going in one direction, but walking in the other direction, it will collide normally with the walls.
I’m not sure if I’m understanding your situation correctly, but you’ll need a physics collider on all objects you want your character collider to collide with. So if you have a capsule collider on the character, and a box collider on each wall, so long as your character is approaching from the outside and doesn’t start within a wall, the capsule and boxes should collide and not penetrate. However, this is just a simulation, and usually at high speeds of movement you can get some accidental crossing of boundaries.
Colliders are definitely a good thing to explore as you begin with Unity. Read up on what the manual says and maybe watch a few short YouTube videos or something, till you feel comfortable with it.
Thanks for the advice :)) Just to clarify, my character controller collides with the wall when walking from outside the room but goes through the wall when walking from inside the room.
That doesn’t really clarify things for me, as it doesn’t change my mental image. So if you still need help, I suggest accessing the visual documentation / tutorials / guides. It’s probably something very simple that you’re missing.
Ok thanks