Character controller Damage by fall

Hi everybody, i have a question that does not let me sleep

I need to pick up the impact of my Character controller when I fall or recreate a predictive line where I pick up the jump path.
As I understand the Charactercontroller is not ideal for impacts, but could be emulated by some algorithm?
To make a predictive line I know that it is ideal to use linecast but I do not know how to pass the necessary parameters to recreate this predictive line.
I need to maintain the charactercontroller

Google translate is my friend

I don’t think that LineCast it’s the ideal thing, what you’re probably going to use is RayCast. Make a isGrounded boolean variable if you don’t have one (use LineCast for it) and as soon your isGrounded goes to false, save that position and as soon as your player touches the ground, save that position as well, then you compare them both.