Character controller for animals?

For context, I’m trying to write code for a game in which you play as a raccoon. I can’t use box colliders and transform movement because it ends up being really jittery, and I can’t use rigidbodies because I don’t want the raccoon to be affected by physics. I wanted to try using a CharacterController component, but I can’t get it to actually fit the model of the raccoon - the best I can get is a sphere. What should I do?

If you sure that sphere isn’t suitable for your game, then you can try to make your own character controller (which is hard) or try to search on asset store for free solution which has required capabilities.

“Lying” capsule is the best you can get, but keep in mind, that depending on your game, it may not feel as good, because longer parts will hit walls when you don’t want them to. If it behaves similar to a horse or a vehicle, then fine, but if it’s more like an actual character which you control with mouse, then you may have problems.

Look up tutorials for how to make a kinematic rigidbody controller. Then you can use whatever compound colliders you need.

The control scheme I have planned does actually resemble a car, so I would use a lying capsule, but from what I can tell, the capsule that the CharacterController uses is always upright

Yes, CharacterController is always upright, that’s why you can try to find custom one and test it. It may be easier than writing your own, but that’s also an option, just be ready to spend days and weeks or months just on that, especially if you never did one.