character controller like in Alien breed impact


Do you know any tutorials which explains how to make exactly or very similar the same character controller like in alien breed impact?

I have found something like that

Unfortunately I still don’t understand the code. How works relation between player’s rotation and direction of movement? For example, the player is facing north and strafing to left and if we only change the rotation to west the player will be walking forward to left (not strafing to left).

Could someone explain this to me?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Naimad, I think I can help out by helping you conceptualize what is going on with the strafing. With this controller, since the player is always facing the cursor (or crosshairs), pressing forward will always bring him/her toward the crosshairs. If on a keyboard, this might be accomplished by pressing the ‘w’ key. To strafe, the player would just press ‘a’ or ‘d’ because since those keys would be set up to move on the player’s horizontal (or ‘x’) axis. In other words, as the player rotates based on the cursor location, his horizontal axis also changes, making strafing look natural. Hope this helps!

What about sample project Angry Bots? I think there’s something like that.

Angry Bots is exactly what I want to do with character but I can’t find any tutorials about it. Do you where should I look?

Ostwind: It’s something completely different. In this tutorial you have only idle animation and one walk animation. It’s very easy.

If you understand the project and have watched the other learn section stuff like animation blend trees and others you then should be able to understand them from Angry bots too. If you skipped to Angry bots then it’s a lot harder task.

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Learn has loads of materials you should be really enjoying going through in order to master unity. Ostwind has linked directly to a project in there closely matching your requirements, but you should still do them all :slight_smile:

Yeah you should check out angryBots demo. You can also check out my Action RPG framework - it can be adapted to what you want. I even made a game demo quite similar to Alien Breed; you can find it on

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