Character Controller package now in pre-release


Hi all,

The com.unity.charactercontroller package is now out of experimental, and in pre-release with the 1.2.0-pre.2 version. The package is on its way to a full release status during the Unity 6 lifetime.

Getting started
Follow these steps to import the package into your project:

  • Open the Package Manager window
  • Click the “+” button at the top left
  • Select “Add package by name…”
  • Enter com.unity.charactercontroller
  • click “Add”. This will import the package into your project

Follow the tutorial for more details on how to get started using character controllers in your project.

Useful links:

Please share your feedback in this thread as we’re always interested in discussing potential improvements!


I was just exploring the non-DOTS version to see if it’s still applicable after several years without updates. Happy to report: it is! Thankfully I can just ditch the black-box that is CharacterController.

Then I started wondering what you’re up to these day, and whether you’re still working on the “Rival” DOTS version. Great to see this is still ongoing and congrats on the production-ready release! :slight_smile:

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