Character Controller Set Velocity

Just Starting to learn unity started with Visual Scripting because I think it will help me learn C#. While building my character controller trying to implement gravity and there are no units that directly can set Character Controller velocity. I know I can use the simple move unit, but is there any way I could make a custom unit that will set Character controller velocity based on a vector 3 input?

your choices are either moving multiple times for varied forces like gravity and walking or switching to a rigidbody controller. i switched very late into having one because it just felt way too difficult to get it to feel like it was even remotely controlled by the world’s physics


I made up this character controller using visual scripting. Uses a State machine to handle changes in interactions. used it a few times in different projects now. a good drag and drop template for what I need.

Can Run,Walk, Crouch, Jump and swim.
also with head detection so you can’t jump or un-crouch while obstructed.

The state machine is placed onto the character controller. the camera object is a child of the player controller.
will need to add a layer for water to swim in and such.
