Character Controller Slide Action Script!

I’m trying to make a script so that when I push the “S” key my character slides. So that he can slide under objects. But I have no idea where to begin. Is there a way to rotate the character controller capsule so that it is horizontal? That’s the only way I can see doing it. Thanks for reading!


Using the crouch and run script by Aldo (awesome script), I have added sliding. Set slideSpeed and slideTimerMax. When sliding, the player can look around, but not change direction.

#pragma strict

var walkSpeed: float = 7; // regular speed
var crchSpeed: float = 3; // crouching speed
var runSpeed: float = 20; // run speed

private var chMotor: CharacterMotor;
private var ch: CharacterController;
private var tr: Transform;
private var height: float; // initial height

public var slideSpeed: float = 20; // slide speed
private var isSliding : boolean = false;
private var slideForward : Vector3; // direction of slide
private var slideTimer : float = 0.0;
public var slideTimerMax : float = 2.5; // time while sliding

function Start()
	chMotor = GetComponent(CharacterMotor);
	tr = transform;
	ch = GetComponent(CharacterController);
	height = ch.height;

function Update()
	var h = height;
	var speed = walkSpeed;
	// - run and crouch -	
	if (ch.isGrounded && Input.GetKey("left shift") || Input.GetKey("right shift")) // press Shift to run
		speed = runSpeed;
	if (Input.GetKey("c")) // press C to crouch
		h = 0.5 * height;
		speed = crchSpeed; // slow down when crouching
	// - slide -	
	if (Input.GetKeyDown("f") && !isSliding) // press F to slide
		slideTimer = 0.0; // start timer
		isSliding = true;
		slideForward = tr.forward;
	if (isSliding)
		h = 0.5 * height; // height is crouch height
		speed = slideSpeed; // speed is slide speed
		chMotor.movement.velocity = slideForward * speed;
		slideTimer += Time.deltaTime;
		if (slideTimer > slideTimerMax)
			isSliding = false;
	// - apply movement modifiers -	
	chMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = speed; // set max speed
	var lastHeight = ch.height; // crouch/stand up smoothly 
	ch.height = Mathf.Lerp(ch.height, h, 5 * Time.deltaTime);
	tr.position.y += (ch.height - lastHeight) / 2; // fix vertical position

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class slide : MonoBehaviour
float walkSpeedt = 7; // regular speed
float crchSpeed = 3; // crouching speed
float runSpeed = 20; // run speed
 private CharacterMotor chMotor;
 private CharacterController ch;
 private Transform tr;
 private float height; // initial height
 public float slideSpeed = 20; // slide speed
 private bool isSliding = false;
 private Vector3 slideForward; // direction of slide
 private float slideTimer = 0.0f;
 public float slideTimerMax = 2.5; // time while sliding
 void Start()
     chMotor = GetComponent(CharacterMotor);
     tr = transform;
     ch = GetComponent(CharacterController);
     height = ch.height;
 void Update()
    float h = height;
    float speed = walkSpeed;
     // - run and crouch -    
     if (ch.isGrounded && Input.GetKey("left shift") || Input.GetKey("right shift")) // press Shift to run
         speed = runSpeed;
     if (Input.GetKey("LeftControl")) // press C to crouch
         h = 0.5f * height;
         speed = crchSpeed; // slow down when crouching
     // - slide -    
     if (Input.GetKeyDown("LeftControl") && !isSliding) //crouch to slide
         slideTimer = 0.0f; // start timer
         isSliding = true;
         slideForward = tr.forward;
     if (isSliding)
         h = 0.5f * height; // height is crouch height
         speed = slideSpeed; // speed is slide speed
         chMotor.movement.velocity = slideForward * speed;
         slideTimer += Time.deltaTime;
         if (slideTimer > slideTimerMax)
             isSliding = false;
     // - apply movement modifiers -    
     chMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = speed; // set max speed
     float lastHeight = ch.height; // crouch/stand up smoothly 
     ch.height = Mathf.Lerp(ch.height, h, 5 * Time.deltaTime);
     tr.position.y += (ch.height - lastHeight) / 2; // fix vertical position

I think it should be it.