Character controller stuck vertically

Please see the attach image. What is the reason that character controller stuck vertically and can’t go through the door? If I increase the height slightly it can pass through the door or it can pass through if in crouching state. How it is colliding even if door height is much bigger that the character controller?

Thank you.

Can you show the collider you’re using for the door? Dis you mark it as “convex”? If so that’d make it a solid wall rather than a door.

No, I did not mark it as convex. It is a mesh collider. Player can go through if player is in crouch state or if I increase the height of the door. See the image below, I can go through the left side door but can’t through the right side door. However both doors height is bigger than the character collider. What else can act as a collider apart from character controller?

Ok still - can you show the door’s collider?
Also what settings do you have on the CC? Skin width etc?

Sure.I don’t remember I changed anything from cc. Here is the image for cc and door collider.