Character Controller teleporting to ground instead of falling

Hi, I have a character controller for my guy in a 2D platformer. It can jump normally with scripted gravity pulling it down over time. However, once I either A. Hit something above the character while jumping, or B. Walk off the edge of a platform, the character seems to teleport straight to the ground below it. Please help if you can, here is the code controlling vertical movement of the character:

void Update () {

		movement =;
		movement *= Time.deltaTime;
		//Add movement to CharacterController
		if(cc.collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.CollidedAbove){
			velocity.y =;//if we hit something above us, stop jumping upward

void VerticleMovement(){
		jumping = false;
		doubleJumping = false;
		velocity =;//On ground, so reset velocity which is only used when in air
		if(controls.jump && jumping == false){//pressed jump button
			jumping = true;
			velocity = cc.velocity;
			velocity.y = jumpSpeed;
			controls.jump = false; //reset jump controls
	}else{//Currently falling or in the middle of jumping upwards
		if(controls.jump == true)//did user press jump while already jumping?
			controls.jump = false; //reset the jump
		velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;//update our verticle speed
	if(cc.collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.CollidedAbove){
			velocity.y =;//if we hit something above us, stop jumping upward
	movement.y += velocity.y;//Add the updated velocity
	movement.y += gravity;// * Time.deltaTime;//add the effects of gravity

void DoubleJump(){
	if(controls.jump && !doubleJumping){
		velocity =;
		jumping = true;
		velocity = cc.velocity;
		velocity.y = doubleJumpSpeed;//move upwards from last know upward velocity
		controls.jump = false; //reset jump controls
		doubleJumping = true;//we can't double jump again

This is probably not good ethics to do this, but no one has seem to answer you and I am pretty tired. SO I will give you my code for my own 2D platformer. I haven’t added collision for above to reset jump velocity, but you have it down anyway.
So sorry I can’t answer to your specific question.

class TwoDPlatformController ( MonoBehaviour ): 
	//public 	test  = TwoDPlatformControllerJumping()  Access another class will also appear in inspector
	public walkSpeed   as single     = 6.0F
	public runSpeed	   as single     = 10.0F
	public jumpSpeed   as single     = 8.0F
	public gravity     as single     = 20.0F
	public doubleJumpEnabled  as bool= true
	public extraJump as int 		 = 1
	public autoRotate  as bool       = true
	public maxRotationSpeed as single = 360
	private moveDirection as Vector3 =
	private curNumJump    as int     = 0
	private curSpeed      as single  = 0.0F
	internal jumped       as bool    = false
	private jumpingApexReached as bool = false
	private controller as CharacterController

	def Update():
	def PlayerMovement ():
		controller = GetComponent(CharacterController)
		// While character is grounded allow to jump and horizontal movement
		// Player is restricted in jump movement.  One way jump if double jump disabled
		if controller.isGrounded:
			curNumJump = 0
			jumped = false
			// Assign run speed when pressing left ctrl
			if Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl):
				curSpeed = runSpeed
			// Assign default walk speed
				curSpeed = walkSpeed
			// Apply vector direction, only focusing on X- axis
			moveDirection = Vector3( Input.GetAxis('Horizontal') * curSpeed, 0, 0 )
			// If player has jumped
			// Allow player to single jump while in air
			// Check if player has reached jump apex, used for animation states
			if hasSingleJumped():
		// Player is in the air
		// Allow the player the option of extra jumping, already checks if extra jumping is enabled
		// Check if player has reached jump apex, used for animation states
		// TODO: Future implementation, allow user to shoot while in air
			if hasExtraJumped():

		// Apply new vector direction to the character controller
		controller.Move( moveDirection * Time.deltaTime )
	def SingleJump ():
	// Immediately present number of allowed mid air jumps when landed
	// Allow player to jump
		moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed
		jumped = true
	def ExtraJump ():
	// Allow player the capability to jump multiple times in mid air
	//  Number of times is based on 'extraJump'
	//  Once limit is reach player must land before jumping again
	// When jumping horizontal movement is unlocked for that jump then it will be locked again
		if curNumJump < extraJump:
			moveDirection = Vector3( Input.GetAxis('Horizontal') * walkSpeed, 0, 0 )
			moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed
			curNumJump += 1	
	def ApplyGravityForce ():
		moveDirection.y -= ( gravity * Time.deltaTime )
	def HandleEvents ():
	// Events taken place are of action types: shooting, special attacks, interactable object, etc
	def hasSingleJumped ():
		return ( Input.GetButtonDown( 'Jump' ) or Input.GetKeyDown( 'w' ) ) 
	def hasExtraJumped  ():
		return ( Input.GetButtonDown( 'Jump' ) or Input.GetKeyDown( 'w' )  and doubleJumpEnabled )
	def hasReachedJumpingApex ():
		if jumped and controller.velocity.y <= 0.0:
			jumpingApexReached = true
			return jumpingApexReached
			if controller.isGrounded:
				jumpingApexReached = false
				return jumpingApexReached
	def getSpeed ():
		return moveDirection.x

singles meant float. walkSpeed as single is the same as float walkSpeed. The jumpApex is returning when the character starts to descend after a jump.

Hopefully it helps in some way and sorry if the code looks scary, it is suppose to be reader friendly.