I’m using the default character controller without editing much of anything (except the radius/height of the capsule as well as skin thickness). When I walk off anything but the slightest of downward slopes, I can basically “glide” through the air with my running animation playing. If I take off the character controller and just go back to using a normal capsule + rigidbody, this issue doesn’t exist.
Any idea what would be causing this?
Edit: I just went and removed the colliders from my sword/shield that my player wields and it seems to have fixed this. Is there any other way to go about this without having to get rid of them?
I suspect that what is happening is indeed caused by the colliders, as you walk of the slope the character controller detects the colliders and walks up there. I had a similar thing and the only answer I have for you is that, as long as it is used as interface or part of the character it is best to not give it a collider. What you could do is let a collider exist outside of the character controller. There is no rule that a collider needs to be center on its object :), so you could just adjust the transform position of that collider to get outside the character controller.
Sorry for the wall of text and I hope I made myself clear enough
EDIT: I hope you are getting this edit update.
Hey sorry, it’s me again. I was thinking today on your question once more and the solution suddenly hit me.
You have to make your sword and shield a rigidbody, then enable is kinematic. This way they will support all the collision data but will just move trough your character controller.
It will seem as if they don’t collide, but they still send collision data wich you can call upon, for example: hitting enemy’s and doing damage.
Sorry for the late re-post. But this should fix your problem and still let you use your character controller.