Character Creation System v5.80 RELESED !
This is Ubrin, a Character Creation System !
Here you’ll find 3D models with textures and normal maps
- armor sets, weapons, hairstyles, facial hairs and changable faces!
- 3 bodies of male, female and skeleton
- 10x faces for each male and female
- 19 different hairstyles and 14 facial hair
- 36 Animations ! (Made for Mecanim!, working as Legacy, Generic or Humanoid)
- Armor parts: helmets(23), vests(15), chests(18), shoulders(17), pants(4), gloves(16), belts(17), boots(13).
- Clothing, Leather, Metal and Mage Sets
- 25 weapons
- 7 eye colors
- unlimited colors for body and hairstyles
Update 1 (v1.43) RELEASED:
1.01 - added weapon script
1.03 - added 2x weapon textures
1.08 - added 5x 2h Axes
1.18 - added 10x 1h+off swords
1.28 - added 10x 1h+off axes
1.38 - added 10x 1h+off misc weapons
1.43 - added 5x shields
Update 2 (v1.74) RELEASED:
1.45 - fixed rigging of a character at the botton.
1.48 - animations of walking back and to the sides.
1.50 - fixed armor rigging and devision of a bare.
model and each armor into seperate fbx file.
1.52 - added normal walk and run animation.
1.55 - added 2h stand, run and 1x attack animation.
1.56 - fixed showing armor for male and female.
1.68 - added Mage Set for Male: 4 hats, 4 clothing, wrists, boots + texture and normal map.
1.74 - added Mega Set for Female: 4 clothing, wrists + boots.
Update 3 (v1.78) RELEASED:
1.77 - Added Skeletal character + normal map and texture.
1.78 - implementing Skeletal character into scripts.
Update 4 (v2.42) RELEASED:
1.79 - New Bones for animations Under Mecanima version of Unity
1.96 - New hairstyles (16)
2.06 - New facial hair (10)
2.07 - New rigging
2.08 - New weapon script
2.09 - No weapon rigging (place any weapon you want from other packs !!!)
2.11 - New weapon and shield dummy
2.41 - New animations: all (30)
2.42 - Deleting unnecessary staff.
Update 5 (v3.90) RELEASED:
2.46 - New Male and Female body ! (with textures and normal maps)
2.66 - New Male and Female faces ! (20)
3.00 - New Hairstyles (20) and Facial Hairs (14)
3.01 - New Armor parts: belt, pants and small chest !
3.02 - New body subdivision of male, female and skeleton.
3.03 - Deleting all old armor and adding new Armor Sets: Cloth, Leather, Metal and Mage !
3.19 - New 16 helmets
3.42 - New 23 chests
3.54 - New 12 Boots
3.69 - New 15 Belts
3.78 - New 9 Gloves
3.81 - New 3 Pants
3.89 - New 8 Shoulders
3.90 - slightly fixing animations
Update 6 (v4.24) RELEASED:
3.92 - fixed underwear textures
3.93 - deleted previous weapons
3.98 - 5x New 1h Axes
4.03 - 5x New 1h Swords
4.08 - 5x New 2h Axes
4.11 - New Stick, Pickaxe and a dagger
4.16 - 5x New Shields
4.17 - A new type of weapon: Bow !
4.19 - Fixed animation of Stand and Look Around
4.21 - Added Bow animations: Start Pull, Release and Reload
4.23 - Fixed Chests into Vests and fixed the armor of all chests into vests.
4.24 - working on unity 5
Update 7 (v5.51) RELEASED:
4.27 - New feamel body with new textures and normal map (3)
More items in each slot for both male and female:
4. 41 - 23x Helmets (+7x2)
4.49 - 15x Chests (+4x2)
4.57 - 18x Chests Full (+4x2)
4. 75 - 17x Shoulders (+9x2)
4. 89 - 16x Gloves (+7x2)
4. 93 - 17x Belts (+2x2)
4.95 - 13x Boots (+1x2)
5.27 - New textures for all sets for both male and female (32)
5.51 - Fixed almost all animations (24)
Update 8 (v5.80) RELEASED:
5.54 - new mesh of skeleton with new texture and normal map
5.65 - fixed female normal map and fixed 10x female face textures
5.68 - fem anims idle, look around and walk
5.77 - fixed animations: look around, spell1,spell 2,spell3, roll, attack2, attack4, attack5, attack6,
5.78 - New Throwing animation !
5.79 - fixed rotation of legs in some animations
5.80 - 1 fix to leather_1 with specular on the shirt fix
Future Updates:
- fixing bow animations
- fixed hairstyles and facial hair
- redone/fixed all weapons with new textures and normal maps
- redone/fixed all shields with new textures and normal maps
- NPC script !
- bra for female
Extra Packs (Containing specific Armor, Weapons and Animations):
- King, Queen and rugs clothing !
- Heavy armor sets !
- Noble and noble mage clothing !
- animation pack !
- weapon and shields pack !
- races like elves, orcs with different human face shapes ! (based on the current body shape)
- enemy pack based on the humanoid current body shape