Character Creation System - [RELESED]

Character Creation System v5.80 RELESED !

This is Ubrin, a Character Creation System !
Here you’ll find 3D models with textures and normal maps

  • armor sets, weapons, hairstyles, facial hairs and changable faces!


  • 3 bodies of male, female and skeleton
  • 10x faces for each male and female
  • 19 different hairstyles and 14 facial hair
  • 36 Animations ! (Made for Mecanim!, working as Legacy, Generic or Humanoid)
  • Armor parts: helmets(23), vests(15), chests(18), shoulders(17), pants(4), gloves(16), belts(17), boots(13).
  • Clothing, Leather, Metal and Mage Sets
  • 25 weapons
  • 7 eye colors
  • unlimited colors for body and hairstyles

Ubrin on Asset Store!

Update 1 (v1.43) RELEASED:
1.01 - added weapon script
1.03 - added 2x weapon textures
1.08 - added 5x 2h Axes
1.18 - added 10x 1h+off swords
1.28 - added 10x 1h+off axes
1.38 - added 10x 1h+off misc weapons
1.43 - added 5x shields

Update 2 (v1.74) RELEASED:
1.45 - fixed rigging of a character at the botton.
1.48 - animations of walking back and to the sides.
1.50 - fixed armor rigging and devision of a bare.
model and each armor into seperate fbx file.
1.52 - added normal walk and run animation.
1.55 - added 2h stand, run and 1x attack animation.
1.56 - fixed showing armor for male and female.
1.68 - added Mage Set for Male: 4 hats, 4 clothing, wrists, boots + texture and normal map.
1.74 - added Mega Set for Female: 4 clothing, wrists + boots.

Update 3 (v1.78) RELEASED:
1.77 - Added Skeletal character + normal map and texture.
1.78 - implementing Skeletal character into scripts.

Update 4 (v2.42) RELEASED:
1.79 - New Bones for animations Under Mecanima version of Unity
1.96 - New hairstyles (16)
2.06 - New facial hair (10)
2.07 - New rigging
2.08 - New weapon script
2.09 - No weapon rigging (place any weapon you want from other packs !!!)
2.11 - New weapon and shield dummy
2.41 - New animations: all (30)
2.42 - Deleting unnecessary staff.

Update 5 (v3.90) RELEASED:
2.46 - New Male and Female body ! (with textures and normal maps)
2.66 - New Male and Female faces ! (20)
3.00 - New Hairstyles (20) and Facial Hairs (14)
3.01 - New Armor parts: belt, pants and small chest !
3.02 - New body subdivision of male, female and skeleton.
3.03 - Deleting all old armor and adding new Armor Sets: Cloth, Leather, Metal and Mage !
3.19 - New 16 helmets
3.42 - New 23 chests
3.54 - New 12 Boots
3.69 - New 15 Belts
3.78 - New 9 Gloves
3.81 - New 3 Pants
3.89 - New 8 Shoulders
3.90 - slightly fixing animations

Update 6 (v4.24) RELEASED:
3.92 - fixed underwear textures
3.93 - deleted previous weapons
3.98 - 5x New 1h Axes
4.03 - 5x New 1h Swords
4.08 - 5x New 2h Axes
4.11 - New Stick, Pickaxe and a dagger
4.16 - 5x New Shields
4.17 - A new type of weapon: Bow !
4.19 - Fixed animation of Stand and Look Around
4.21 - Added Bow animations: Start Pull, Release and Reload
4.23 - Fixed Chests into Vests and fixed the armor of all chests into vests.
4.24 - working on unity 5

Update 7 (v5.51) RELEASED:
4.27 - New feamel body with new textures and normal map (3)
More items in each slot for both male and female:
4. 41 - 23x Helmets (+7x2)
4.49 - 15x Chests (+4x2)
4.57 - 18x Chests Full (+4x2)
4. 75 - 17x Shoulders (+9x2)
4. 89 - 16x Gloves (+7x2)
4. 93 - 17x Belts (+2x2)
4.95 - 13x Boots (+1x2)
5.27 - New textures for all sets for both male and female (32)
5.51 - Fixed almost all animations (24)

Update 8 (v5.80) RELEASED:
5.54 - new mesh of skeleton with new texture and normal map
5.65 - fixed female normal map and fixed 10x female face textures
5.68 - fem anims idle, look around and walk
5.77 - fixed animations: look around, spell1,spell 2,spell3, roll, attack2, attack4, attack5, attack6,
5.78 - New Throwing animation !
5.79 - fixed rotation of legs in some animations

5.80 - 1 fix to leather_1 with specular on the shirt fix

Future Updates:

  • fixing bow animations
  • fixed hairstyles and facial hair
  • redone/fixed all weapons with new textures and normal maps
  • redone/fixed all shields with new textures and normal maps
  • NPC script !
  • bra for female

Extra Packs (Containing specific Armor, Weapons and Animations):

  • King, Queen and rugs clothing !
  • Heavy armor sets !
  • Noble and noble mage clothing !
  • animation pack !
  • weapon and shields pack !
  • races like elves, orcs with different human face shapes ! (based on the current body shape)
  • enemy pack based on the humanoid current body shape

Heya !!!
I’m proud to present new version of Character Customization !!!

Update 4 (v2.42) RELESED:
1.79 - New Bones for animations Under Mecanima version of Unity
1.96 - New hairstyles (16)
2.06 - New facial hair (10)
2.07 - New rigging
2.08 - New weapon script
2.09 - No weapon rigging (place any weapon you want from other packs !!!)
2.11 - New weapon and shield dummy
2.41 - New animations: all (30)
2.42 - Deleting unnecessary staff.

Today technical decisions on the body subdevision.

2 extra parts of the armor are planned which are: pants and belt.

  • belt wont be anymore in the chest mesh
  • pants are finally comming !!!

Soo generaly the structure will be complicated.
Which will setActive to false of parts of the body.
Although not that much complicated :smile:

Primary Armor:

  1. Chest (4 types)
  • chest that covers the torso and hands up to wrists (torso and arms will be inactive)
  • chest that covers the torso (which will inactive only torso)
  • chest that is more of a vest that wont inactive anything (e.g. 2 belts on the body in the ‘X’ setting)
  • chest that is a mix which will also go to the bottom of character (mage alike clothing)
  1. Pants (2 types)
  • normal legs (feet with fingers)
  • pants (to replace legs with feet but will have some textured boots in it)

Secondary Armor:

  1. Helm
  • instead of hairstyles
  1. Shoulders
  • on top of the chest
  1. Gloves
  • will make hands inactive
  • will go on top of the arms/chest
  1. Belt
  • will go on top of the chest
  • might appear on the thies
  1. Boots
  • will appear on top of legs/pants
  • but under the long ‘mage’ clothing


You are working hard Poboczny! Keep it up!

Actually I’m working very hard ! :slight_smile:

Check this out: (WiP)

1 Like

Wow, awesome updates! I was playing around with it and I’m noticing the chest poking through the clothing for some animations. I’m just adding the chest clothing as a child and playing the same animation on both. Am I doing something wrong, is there a way to fix that?

Heya ! Which chest and on which animations :slight_smile:
Best way to do the parenting is through the scripts that are in the pack, though ppl will
propably find other ways to do it also properly.
Best if you could PM me and I’ll gladly respond :slight_smile:
You can also write it here and I will respond as well.
If some chest is crossing with body it should be fixed since it is a bug :slight_smile:

Though I’m planning to subdevide the body and switch off parts that are covered with clothing
in some next update :slight_smile:

Oh yeah the scripts are nicer, looks like they’re combining meshes? Cool, I’ll use those. Anywho I tried it on the Ubrin demo scene and I see it there too (that uses the scripts?). It looks like any animation with a lot of shoulder movement (like the attacks and magic) – you get nipslips :wink:

1702410--106953--Screen Shot 2014-07-17 at 7.40.22 PM.png 1702410--106954--Screen Shot 2014-07-17 at 7.40.44 PM.png

Heya !
You must have set up something differently, since I dont have such issues, though
I had many problems with rigging these guys and I will just go for standard game design
resolution which is - swithing off the chest mesh when you have something on it.
Itwill be in the next update :slight_smile:

Ah remember to turn off the mesh compression for bodies and armor :slight_smile:

Hmm looks like mesh compression is off, dunno, I probably am doing something wrong – I’m not an artist. :slight_smile:

But I look forward to your ongoing updates, I bet turning off the chest mesh would work. Overall this is awesome! I even tried out a mixamo animation, worked great!

Heya !

Check also your quality setting for what you are running for.
I dont have this issue and if I had I’d fix it definitly :slight_smile:
Try to run it on a highest quality settings in you editor or in the game.
Which is still strange since I’m using the ‘good’ quality setting and works perfectly.

I’m currently wrking on body subdevision and remesh/rigging the armor into new bodies.
Within the new system of turning off the ‘torso’ it works amazing even for my own workflow !
(I can faster rig the chest armor into a character ! :slight_smile: )

I’ll update you when I’ll have something graphical :slight_smile:


you can also maybe try to use the 4 bones blending in the inspector for the skinned mesh renderer.

Thanks, I turned up the quality (4 bones blending for both the body and chest piece) and no more nipslips! :slight_smile:

Good to hear that :slight_smile:

Heya !

I’m taking a week off now ! But to keep you updated almost all armor for male is meshed fixed and re-rigged ! :slight_smile:

Though in an update after the body updates I’ll plan to rework the entire mesh and textures for all armors.
(like refreshed clothing, metal and mage armor with pants and belts ! :))

Heya ! I’ve been working on the pack again and currently
I’m on a technical rigging of armor into bodies.
This should take a while longer.

After armor works properly I’ll be
fixing just a little bit animations,
and than polishing the boodies of male and female :slight_smile:

Than we should see a release :slight_smile:

All in all while having some issues with the body devision I have another protopy on how to do it.
Even knowing a trick with deviding neck from head and a trick with normal maps to it there was still
a difference specular reflection on these 2 parts. (a strong line drew in between)
The current prototype devides the body as: body, legs and hands.
And when wearing chest armor it replaces the body texture without the torso leaving neck with head and arms.

I’ll see how far can I go with that and experiment more :slight_smile:

Currently I’m also working on the female body to make it more like female and sexy.
I guess that female would need an extra animations of standing, walking and running (and maybe some more)
if I want to keep female on the same skeleton as male and skeletor :slight_smile:

If you have any suggestions or ideas plz write them :slight_smile:

Heya !

Just as an update I’m working all the time on the upgrade of the package.
Currently I’m testing and trying different approaches to the body devision.
I’m looking for the best option to devide the body without any issuess
and each test requires to change a lot.

I’m also working on female body - to make it less manly though it is on the same bones for animations
and on some special female animations - which is going quite good and female will be sexy ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also stoped to inspire myself with Skyrim and started to look more into Witcher 3 :slight_smile:
I’m trying to reach similar feeling of walking and running animations as in Witcher 3 currently.
So dont worry :stuck_out_tongue: it is not a copy or same movement but the feeling of moving and running :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also started to plan the new clothing, leather, metal and mage clothing which we might see in the next update.

Currently Ubrin is my main priority though it’s a hobby but I’m spending all the time possible after work to make it the best character costumization in the asset store.

And for me Best doesnt mean thousand of options to controll the body structure, but Best means lowest poly, great looking and moving models with some extra options of costumization and some great looking armor :slight_smile:

If you bought the pack, and actually each month someone is buying the pack - plz rate it :slight_smile:

Hello poboczny,

Is there a web build? because i’ve been following this project since 2013 and you released so many versions (i remember u had webbuild :))

I want to see package’s latest state before buying, and always, great job!

BTW: you wanna change your asset store title: to CUSTOMIZATION not COSTUMIZATION search results are not showing your package for “Character Customization” :frowning:
