Character Creator 2D - Editor & runtime character customization

Here is how i grow and shrink

 public void Grow(float byValue)
        Vector3 size = transform.localScale;
        if (size.x < 0)
            size.x -= byValue;
        else size.x += byValue;

        size.y += byValue;
        transform.localScale = size;
    public void Shrink(float byValue)
        Vector3 size = transform.localScale;
        if (size.x < 0)
            size.x += byValue;
        else size.x -= byValue;

        size.y -= byValue;
        transform.localScale = size;

Then i call


So i guess it depends on the graphic it self.
I thought you were doing something with the edge of the part to fit it.

main reason is that we currently have no gun. But you bring up a good point, when I read gun somehow I assume something like sci-fi rifle. There’s totally gun for fantasy setting.

Thanks! glad you like it.

Hi, we do scale the sprite, but also reposition other parts that are affected by the scaling. For example, when we scale the upper arm, we also reposition the lower arm so it goes to the correct position.

Thanks for your answers.
Really liked it, keep going!

One last thing if can i ask is how can i make this sword swing particle effect?
Looks smooth.

Thanks. I’m not quite sure which particle you’re referring to. Did you mean the slash effect when the weapon swing? It’s just a simple sprite faded in and out. No particle used.

Hi everyone!
Just submitted version 1.11 to the Asset Store. If everything goes well it should be up soon.

What’s in v1.11:

previously, the weapon fx slash wasn’t affected by the body sliders, resulting in wrong position of the fx. this is now have been fixed.

3499916--278959--slash slider fix.gif

New animations:

  • give
  • receive
  • push
  • pull
  • talk 1
  • talk 2

3499916--278956--new anim 1.gif 3499916--278957--new anim 2.gif 3499916--278958--new anim 3.gif

It’s now live on the Asset Store


This is now hands down my favorite asset!

I really like this asset, and have a few requests, first off for your part enums, can you add a None slot, so i do not have to set a body part via code ? I attempted to add these myself, but it screwed up the charData and i did not want to spend the time to track down why as i am working on a ui using your images, also, can we get item icons for all gear ? i mean i can use some, but objects like the pants i need to build into a single image for inventory purposes, eventually i will get to all of this if you do not, but thought i would ask. Sorry about the profanity on the pic, i have to keep myself interested so while coding i get a little silly during build stage

Aand version 1.11 is finally live on the Asset Store! make sure to update to get the latest animations.

Thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m a little bit unclear on the first one. Can you elaborate more on the ‘None slot’? and how can it help in setting the body parts without code? Can you tell me more about what are you trying to do, and how are you planning on to do it?
(English isn’t my first language, so I’m terribly sorry if I don’t understand you right away)

As for the icons, It’s not on the plan right now. My suggestion would be to use generic icons for each category, kinda like how Skyrim did it. Or you can break it down into subcategory, such as light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, etc. A lot of games did this, and this way you don’t have to do tons of icons.

Oh, and your menu & UI are looking good! :slight_smile:

Also, made a bunch of random characters to show off what the asset could do :smile:


Sure, it is not a big deal really, and comes down to personal preference, In the pic below i am creating an item database, because i am using your items, i need to use the partslot, as you can see by default it is set to Armor, the editor lists the enums in order, so for me as a general rule, i always add the None category to my enums as the first selection, that way until i do something with it, the item is set to no slot, and not defaulted as armor.


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Thanks for the explanation! That’s actually a good reason to add none to enums, but you’re also correct that it’ll break the existing charData or any characters created beforehand. We’ll see if we can do something without breaking previously made characters. In the meantime, may I suggest a workaround? How about adding a bool, say ‘Is Equippable’, in your item, and default it to false?

I have that currently, and it can be worked around, i just have programming OCD :smile:

Hi everyone, just a little update, made a bit of progress on the cape:

3520157--281555--cape prev.gif


Wow! This is fantastic!!! Love it. I had a question for this… are facial expressions in the pipeline for this asset? Or is that too hard to implement

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Unfortunately, it’s low priority for now, so probably not anytime soon. In the meantime you can work around it if you want to, by equipping different mouth/eyes/eyebrows in runtime.

Mochakingup, can you receive emails through your website ? asked a professional question days ago and not and answer :frowning:

Hi, cosperda! thanks for notifying us in the forum!
I just checked, and for whatever reason, email from our website ended up in our spam folder :frowning:
should be fixed now, and I’ve replied to your email!

Hi, mochakingup, this is an awesome asset, but seems can not display parts only, say item inventory. create a parts/item viewer may help. :wink:

Love the capes release!