Hi All,
We are researching Unity3d for a project. Unity has a great example of how characters can be customized dynamically using assetBundles. I downloaded and ran the example which worked for the Web player but doesn’t work for IOS. I recompiled the assetbundle for IOS but still the example doesn’t work. Has anyone able to get this example working for IOS or android? Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
I am guessing you managed to do it already… but just in case:
You will need to do the following (I am using Unity 3.5.7 so you will need to check the api in case it is changed for Unity4):
- Recreate the assetbundles for iOS or Android. you can do that by modifying the build target for BuildAssetBundle call e.g.:
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(characterBasePrefab, null, path,BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies,BuildTarget.Android);
You will need to do this in each call to the this API (inside CreateAssetbundles.cs & UpdateCharacterElementDatabase.cs files)
then highlight characters folder inside the project and use the menu (Character Generator → Create Asset Bundles) and wait for the assets to be created
- inside CharactorGenerator.cs return the correct path inside AssetbundleBaseURL depending on which platform you are targeting.
Hope its clear enough