Character Customization Main.cs Problem

Help Please.

alt text

Console :

1 ;

You are trying to load data from a www stream which had the following error when downloading.
Couldn’t open file /Unity Project/Example/Assets/Assets/assetbundles/CharacterElementDatabase.assetbundle
CharacterGenerator:get_ReadyToUse() (at Assets/Plugins/CharacterGenerator.cs:184)
c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/CharacterCustomization/DressingroomExample/Main.cs:26)

2 ;

CharacterGenerator.get_ReadyToUse () (at Assets/Plugins/CharacterGenerator.cs:184)
Main+c__Iterator0.MoveNext () (at Assets/CharacterCustomization/DressingroomExample/Main.cs:26)

Other : Forum

Can you post your script? But if i’d venture a guess I’d bet you’re trying to use info your pulling from the server before it returns all of the information. Put your www call into a function and yield like so:

IEnumerator login (WWW w)
     yield return w;
     Debug.Log("w.text " + w.text);

The problem has been solved.

Solution ;

CharacterGeneration Double Click And Edit ;

1 - File > return “file://” + Application.dataPath + “/Assets/assetbundles/”; Edit > return “file://” + Application.dataPath + “/assetbundles/”; Save And Exit.

2 - Project > Assets Click > Unity3D Menu > Character Generator > Create AssetBundles and Okay

Thank you, Mike Bastien…