Character don`t jump

Character dont jump

using UnityEngine;

// MoveBehaviour inherits from GenericBehaviour. This class corresponds to basic walk and run behaviour, it is the default behaviour.
public class Hannamove: MonoBehaviour
	public float speednow = 1.0f;
	public float walkSpeed = 2.0f;                // Default sprint speed.
	public float runSpeed = 2.0f;                // Default sprint speed.
	public string jumpButton = "Jump";              // Default jump button.
	public float jumpnow = 10f;
	public float jumpforce = 10f;          // Default horizontal inertial force when jumping.
	public float gravityyo = 10f;
    private Vector3 dir =;
	public bool jump;                              // Boolean to determine whether or not the player started a jump.
	public bool isColliding;                       // Boolean to determine if the player has collided with an obstacle.
	public Rigidbody playerrig;

	// Start is always called after any Awake functions.
	void Start(){

	// Update is used to set features regardless the active behaviour.
   public void MoveInDirectionOfInput() {
  //CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();  
           dir.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
           dir.z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

   Vector3 camDirection = Camera.main.transform.rotation * dir;
   Vector3 targetDirection = new Vector3(camDirection.x, 0f, camDirection.z);
   if (dir != {
      transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
      Time.deltaTime * speednow);
        if (!jump && Input.GetButtonDown(jumpButton))   {  
			jump = true;
            jumpnow = jumpforce;	
	        targetDirection.y = jumpforce;				
	///////////jumpforce  gravityyo
      if (isColliding){
	  playerrig.velocity = targetDirection.normalized * speednow;   
	void Update(){
	// Collision detection.
	private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision){
		isColliding = true;
		jump = false;   
	private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision){
		isColliding = false;
		//GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().material.dynamicFriction = 0.6f;
		//GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().material.staticFriction = 0.6f;

The problem is that you are setting playerrig.velocity on line 42 before you did the jump mechanic.

You need to set the result force after finish the calculations so move all line 42 at the end of MoveInDirectionOfInput() method.

This will add a small bug, the character can now move while is jumping, to solve this put a if to ingnore the axis input when isColliding is false

All good but Player can`t jump

using UnityEngine;

// MoveBehaviour inherits from GenericBehaviour. This class corresponds to basic walk and run behaviour, it is the default behaviour.
public class Hannamove: MonoBehaviour
	public float speednow = 1.0f;
	public float walkSpeed = 2.0f;                // Default sprint speed.
	public float runSpeed = 2.0f;                // Default sprint speed.
	public string jumpButton = "Jump";              // Default jump button.
	public float jumpnow = 10f;
	public float jumpforce = 10f;          // Default horizontal inertial force when jumping.
	public float gravityyo = 10f;
    private Vector3 dir =;
	public bool jump;                              // Boolean to determine whether or not the player started a jump.
	public bool isColliding;                       // Boolean to determine if the player has collided with an obstacle.
	public Rigidbody playerrig;

	// Start is always called after any Awake functions.
	void Start(){

	// Update is used to set features regardless the active behaviour.
   public void MoveInDirectionOfInput() {
  //CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();  
    if (isColliding){    
           dir.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
           dir.z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
   Vector3 camDirection = Camera.main.transform.rotation * dir;
   Vector3 targetDirection = new Vector3(camDirection.x, 0f, camDirection.z);
   if (dir != {
      transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
      Time.deltaTime * speednow);
        if (isColliding && Input.GetButtonDown(jumpButton))   {  
			jump = true;
            jumpnow = jumpforce;	
	        targetDirection.y = jumpforce;				
		targetDirection.y -= jumpforce * Time.deltaTime;
	///////////jumpforce  gravityyo
      if (isColliding){
	  playerrig.velocity = targetDirection.normalized * speednow;   
	void Update(){
	// Collision detection.
	private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision)
		isColliding = true;
		jump = false;   
	private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision)
		isColliding = false;
		//GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().material.dynamicFriction = 0.6f;
		//GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().material.staticFriction = 0.6f;