Character falls on play

I am creating top-down game, my character keeps falling because of the Rigidbody 2D,
although I have set the Physics 2D in the Project Settings to x: 0 y: 0, he still keeps falling along the Y axis.

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you

Screenshot of the Rigidbody 2D component on the player gameobject

Are there any scripts attached to your character?
Also try creating a new sprite and adding a Rigidbody2D to it, set gravity scale to 0, and see if the sprite falls.

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You have pointed me in the right direction, I had a polygon collider 2d on the whole world for the camera bounds, I didn’t check the property Is Trigger for it and the engine physics pushed the player out of the box (because collision of course).
now it is working as expected thank you.

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Oh cool, glad it works.