Character Gets Stuck On 2D Tile Floor


I’m very new at this whole coding and game making thing, so I don’t know if I’m missing something super obvious or not, as Ive searched this up and it seems to be a somewhat common problem. Im making a platformer, and I have a room created from a tilemap, but my character and other pushable objects keep getting stuck on them. Ive searched up this issue and cant fix it with anything. I have a rigidbody 2D on both, a Box collider on the pushable object and an edge collider on my player. I changed them both to edge collider and it stops them from getting stuck but then they cant collide together, Ive also tried changing the colliders to polygon colliders, changing the Default Contact Offset, changing the gravity (they’re both set to 3, but setting it lower doesnt change anything either), changing their mass, and changing the collision detection to continuous. Ive been stuck on this issue for a couple of days so any help is greatly appreciated.

It sounds like the colliders are too small, but difficult to diagnose as you didn’t provide code or screenshots to support your problem.

Take a breather, insert some spacing into your next post (hard to read as a wall of text), and give us some screenshots please.