I am trying to wrap my brain around the best way to implement this. I basically want my character to be able to pick up a physic’s object and carry it then drop it, and I am trying to figure out the best way to approach this?
In Maya I have an animation for picking up and also an animation for carry. Can someone please point me in the right direction.
While I am only a “pretend programmer” I think it was Eric5h (apologies if it was someone else, it was 2AM) who suggested to me that simply having an invisible clone (sans physics) of the object in a players hand that when you grab the real version the real version disappears and the fake one is shown until you decide to put it down at which time the fake on is again hidden and the real one gets dropped again.
That way the object is already part of the character model and no joints, physics etc get involved.
I think it is preferable to use physics when possible, unless you game is more about what you’re doing than how you do it (if you follow).
I would use joints and physics. But then I don’t get a lot of sleep anymore. :roll:
Otherwise, another way to look at this is to have the character approach the real object and when they pick it up, script a parent/child relationship with the invisible clone and the real box. This way you are carrying the object, and you don’t have to adjust the visibility.