What would be the best script for having my character lung forward for an attack? I tried using transform.Translate, but then the player didn't collide with objects. Also I should note I'm not using any imported animations, the "player" is just a cube :P
Your problem with transform.Translate is that you only put your character on a all-new position. There's absolutely no collision detection applied, you only "beam" to the new position. One way to solve this, given you use a CharacterController, is to use CharacterController.SimpleMove(). It takes a direction and a speed and moves your character to the new position and still applies to collisions. See here for more infos. In case you work with a RigidBody instead of a CharacterController you have a few other options: RigidBody.AddForce() and RigidBody.AddExplosionForce(). More infos here.