So I had this character I was using to figure out Mecanim, which I love to death by the way. But eventually the project got a tad convoluted and I deleted a bunch of assets. But apparently the import settings for the character were kept the same. I discovered that by renaming him from Dude to (Dude), he imports perfectly fine.
What happens when I rename him back to Dude, or import a totally new Dude? His center of gravity and “bottom” (feet) position appear in the same spot; at his hips. This makes him sit partially through the floor.
The settings between the two are exactly the same. And no altered settings will fix Dude’s positioning. Dude is totally broken, while (Dude) is perfectly fine.
I’d like to figure out how to fix this, if anyone might shed some light. I do have Notepad++ if I need to do any hard file editing.
Do you have any fbx preprocessor code running? I had this happen when I had a preprocessor script that deleted the bones (they’re not needed after the anim is created, but they ARE needed for accurate creation of the rig.
The one I had come from an asset I got from the asset store. Do a search for a function named “OnPostProcessModel” in your project. If you have one, it may be messing with the models.
Hm, didn’t find anything. I’ll keep looking, but I don’t think I’ve got anything like that. Only things I’ve gotten from the asset store are a couple of environment model packs that had no scripts in them.