Basically I downloaded a model from the Unity Asset Store (it was free) so I could use it as my enemy in my game. However, I didn’t realise that it didn’t come with any animations apart from a Howl motion (it was the Gorilla). It’s the perfect fit for my game concept but as an enemy I want it to follow my player and attack them as well, but how do I do that if the model doesn’t have any animations apart from the one. I need it to have an idle and attack animation set up. Is there a workaround for a model with none of these animations?
By the way, I can’t use other models from the asset store because the models I use in my game from the store has to be free, and I don’t want to use another model because this one is good.
Any suggestions?
Off the top of my head, have you tried Unity’s animation editor Mecanim? Not sure if you can, but its worth checking out if you haven’t.
Can you perhaps have a character with a nav mesh agent (to move the character around your game) without any animations at all, just a static model that can move about?
I don’t see why not. The nav mesh or agent component should be completely separate from animation.
The model likely has a skeleton, and like the other person said, you can use any human animation on him. It is also actually possible to animate the Gorilla directly in Unity, in the Animation editor. Your 3rd option is to import the FBX into a program like Blender, and animate the Gorilla in Blender. I would likely go for the last option. If you can’t animate, then you can hire someone like myself to do it. Animation is a ton of work to make good animations, and I charge quite a bit. That said, I would likely bring the gorilla into Blender, and then find some really good videos of a gorilla. In Blender, you can actually play the video in background, and animate the gorilla directly to the movements in the video.