Character/player avatar model question?

Hey guys, This is my first time asking something here, but i figure maybe someone here could help me. So I am currently working on a school project for my junior seminar, and i decided to create a video game. The game is basically going to be the league of legends champion/character yasuo walking around a forest, killing enemies with his sword. I wanted to know how can i get character models for him? for example i went to the website

which has the model of yasuo, but i am not sure how to use them in game. I am just starter using unity so yea i am a total noob but figure maybe someone could direct me to tutorials. I finish the roll a ball and survival shooter tutorial. The survial shooter match most what i would like this game to look like since i want the 3rd person perceptive and enemies to follow yasuo and yasuo to have to fight them and move to an exit. if anyone can direct me to tutorials that could help me that would be wonderful. Oh and also if using the model from the website above is possible.

With Unity you are able to import .obj models, but you would need to rig it first before you can start animating. Blender is a good free 3D modeling program that allows you to rig, so I’d suggest that. I don’t know if the model you want comes with textures, so you may have to get those as well. Are you asking about just the model or the gameplay as a whole?

As @Graviterx has rightly recommended, mixamo is a good place to get rigged characters and animations. Try HERE.
If you have any question as regards how to use the character(s) in unity, feel free to post it.
@adenirportillo57 .