Hey everyone im new to unity and i have made an enemy, done some basic ai using rain, have gave him health and gave him a respawn, but when he dies he respawns but he is invisible, it seems as though only the “character controller” along with its sensors, mind ect. the actual models arent coming back? please help
// vp_DamageHandler.cs
// © 2012 VisionPunk, Minea Softworks. All Rights Reserved.
// description: class for having a gameobject take damage, die and respawn.
// any other object can do damage on this monobehaviour like so:
// hitObject.SendMessage(Damage, 1.0f, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
using UnityEngine;
public class vp_DamageHandler : MonoBehaviour
// health and death
public float Health = 10.0f; // initial health of the object instance, to be reset on respawn
public GameObject DeathEffect = null; // gameobject to spawn when object dies.
// TIP: could be fx, could also be rigidbody rubble
public float MinDeathDelay = 0.0f; // random timespan in seconds to delay death. good for cool serial explosions
public float MaxDeathDelay = 0.0f;
protected float m_CurrentHealth = 0.0f; // current health of the object instance
// respawn
public bool Respawns = true; // whether to respawn object or just delete it
public float MinRespawnTime = 3.0f; // random timespan in seconds to delay respawn
public float MaxRespawnTime = 3.0f;
public float RespawnCheckRadius = 1.0f; // area around object which must be clear of other objects before respawn
public AudioClip RespawnSound = null; // sound to play upon respawn
protected Vector3 m_StartPosition = Vector3.zero; // initial position detected and used for respawn
protected Quaternion m_StartRotation = Quaternion.identity; // initial rotation detected and used for respawn
void Awake()
m_CurrentHealth = Health;
m_StartPosition = transform.position;
m_StartRotation = transform.rotation;
// reduces current health by 'damage' points and kills the
// object if health runs out
public void Damage(float damage)
if (!enabled || !gameObject.active)
m_CurrentHealth -= damage;
if (m_CurrentHealth <= 0.0f)
// TIP: if you want to display an effect on the object just
// before it dies - such as putting a crack in an armor the
// second before it shatters - this is the place
vp_Timer.In(Random.Range(MinDeathDelay, MaxDeathDelay), Die);
// TIP: if you want to do things like play a special impact
// sound upon every hit (but only if the object survives)
// this is the place
// removes the object, plays the death effect and schedules
// a respawn if enabled, otherwise destroys the object
public void Die()
if (!enabled || !gameObject.active)
if (DeathEffect != null)
Object.Instantiate(DeathEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
if (Respawns)
vp_Timer.In(Random.Range(MinRespawnTime, MaxRespawnTime), Respawn);
// respawns the object if no other object is occupying the
// respawn area. otherwise reschedules respawning
protected void Respawn()
// return if the object has been destroyed (for example
// as a result of loading a new level while it was gone)
if (this == null)
// don't respawn if player is within checkradius
// TIP: this can be expanded upon to check for additional object layers
if (Physics.CheckSphere(m_StartPosition, RespawnCheckRadius, ((1 << vp_Layer.Player) | (1 << vp_Layer.Props))))
// attempt to respawn again until the checkradius is clear
vp_Timer.In(Random.Range(MinRespawnTime, MaxRespawnTime), Respawn);
// reset health, position, angle and motion
m_CurrentHealth = Health;
transform.position = m_StartPosition;
transform.rotation = m_StartRotation;
if (rigidbody != null)
rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
// reactivate object and play spawn sound
gameObject.active = true;
if (audio != null)
// removes any bullet decals currently childed to this object
protected void RemoveBulletHoles()
foreach (Transform t in transform)
Component[] c;
c = t.GetComponents();
if (c.Length != 0)
Heres the code im using, the parent respawns but the children do not
(script is c#)