Hmm… yes this looks like a bug to me.
Can you log a bug using the Unity Bug reporter?
If you do, please, let me know what the case number is so I can sort it out.
Have you tried removing the player Movement and Player Aiming scripts or the animator controller? I wonder if it has to do with the “Apply Root Motion” on the Animator too…
Thank you. I was able to reproduce the issue. We’ll have a look.
Just so you know, this is not specific to Animation Rigging, but to how Animation C# Jobs handle humanoid. So, this will be addressed in an upcoming version of Unity and not directly in an update for the package.
I’m bumping to see if this is still active or if a fix has been found yet. So far, I’m having this same issue except my character floats about 2 units up instead of sinks. The collider remains on the ground, and the attached weapon I was trying to rig maintains its position. Turning off Rig Builder puts my character back to normal. And generating a generic avatar for my character allows me to create a working rig animation for what I was trying to do, but my normal walk and run animations no longer work.
It is still active yes and no, unfortunately, a fix has not yet been found for this specific issue.
Several issues related to humanoid retargeting in animation rigging have already been fixed in recent Unity versions, so I encourage you to try your use case with the current Unity version to see if it fixes your problem.
Also, just because you’re experiencing a similar issue to what’s described on this thread does not mean it is strictly the same issue (all humanoid problems we’ve fixed till now create character offsets and all were different issues). If you can, please submit a bug report with your repro case using the Unity bug reporter.
Same kind of problem here. For us turning on RigBuilder pushes our characters back a bit down and forward, causing the animations to be misaligned. We have all Rig weights set to zero and it still affects. Current workaround is to disable RigBuilder component when playing keyframe animations… This needs to be fixed asap!
Is it worth upgrading Unity to solve any of these problems? I’m on 2020.2.2f and I’m just curious is moving to LTS or 2021 solved this issue for anyone?
RigBuilder is completely unusable for me on all versions. Weird offsets on IK constraints etc. Pretty disappointed UT aren’t even gonna look at animation during 2021
I was seeing my pose altered even when the weights were zero / the rig layer was disabled. My issue was solved by fixing my avatar configuration. Just want to throw this into the thread in case it helps others:
I was having the same issue, I moved the Rig closer to my root folder instead of the main parent object. And did the same with the Rig layer (since it has to be a child of the Rig). This worked for me hope it helps.
why unity is having so much bugs? i have encountered serveal unexpected behavior this week and cost me so lot time to figure why and eventually all of them are reported as bugs