Character stuck in the air when using 3rd person controller

So I wanted to practice with the 3rd person controller. I imported my fbx from blender with all his premade animations, placed him in the scene along with the standard 3rd person controller, replaced the construction worker, aligned him with the capsule and lastly set up the animations via the 3rd person controller settings. This is where my problem comes in. When I press play, the character is able to move around with all his animations… just one meter above ground at all times. Apparently the model is transformed from his ordinary position whenever I go from the viewport to the game. It doesn’t matter where I place him. He’ll always end up one meter above any colliders.

It’s a rather silly problem really, but it is something that I cannot solve on my own. I’ve searched through google for answers before coming here, and didn’t find anything useful. I hope that someone has a clue on this matter.

It seems like your model is centered within the controller, while your models point of reference is set to it’s feet. How do you set it’s position?

It looks like it is zero’ed out while being a child of another object. This would mean that it would be set to the center of the parent object.

You can change the values of the capsule collider (on the Y-axis) to make sure that it falls correctly when pressing play. Other than that, just mess about with the values to see how you can change it!

How are your animator set up? Apply Root Motion often annoys me and leaves me confused about the behaviour of my models. So try and disable that, if you haven’t already.

Is the model you’ve imported a child of an object, which is the overall controller? if so, have you zero’ed out the coordinates of the imported model before making it a child of the player controller?
What will happen if you move the model ‘just one meter’ below the gameobject that it is a child in? Will it then be positioned correctly?

Other than that, I can’t give you any suggestions without more information.