I’m creating a 3D bomberman game.
I just started using the character controller. My problem is, when the character plants a bomb, the bomb is inside of him, if I start moving while the bomb is inside of the character, then the character gets pushed away in an unwanted manner.
When I made the game in 2D I was just ignoring collision with the bomb and had another trigger collider attached to the bomb that made enabled collision with the character, when the character exited the trigger.
I used Physics2D.IgnoreCollision and I know there is Physics.IgnoreCollision, but how do I get the collider of the CharacterController ? I can put in a reference to the CharacterController as an argument to IgnoreCollision, but it is still colliding with the bomb. Is there any way to not have the CharacterController collide with a specific collider? I can’t just disable the bombs collider, because there are also other players…
How about just putting player and bomb in a layer, then in Physics settings make it ignore itself, or put bomb in one layer and player in other, and make them ignore each other. In Bomberman/Dynablaster like game player shouldn’t collide with bomb before he is outside of surface of a bomb, then you can maybe deal with the blocking effect, by enabling some collider that is in a layer that collider with player.
What you describe about bomberman/dynablaster is the behaviour I want in my game. It worked when using 2D, I just don’t know how I can manage the Collider of the CharacterController.
How do I get a reference to the Collider of the Character Controller? Then I could just use Physics.IgnoreCollision.
If I ignore collision with whole layers, then the problem is, that other players will also ignore the collision and can walk through the bomb, which is not what I want. I just want to ignore the collision with players that stand in the bomb, when the bomb is planted, then whatever player is not touching the bomb anymore, the collision won’t be ignored anymore, so they cannot go through the bomb again.
As I said, I have done this before, I just don’t know how to use Physics.IgnoreCollision with the CharacterController’s collider.
I don’t know if Ignore collision is your best choice. I’d make this setup with trigger.
I am also using triggers, but what exactly do you mean? The bomb has 2 BoxColliders, one so you can’t just walk into a bomb, and the second one is a trigger, so when planting the bomb, I can use the trigger collider to call Physics.IgnoreCollision with the other collider and the collider of the player. Now the only problem is, the player doesn’t have a collider, it only has the CharacterController, but I don’t know how to access the collider of the CharacterController ( the CapsuleCollider ), so I can use it as an argument for Physics.IgnoreCollision. This solution worked great when the game was 2D, now I just need to get a reference to the CharacterController’s collider, which I don’t know how.
Sorry if I sound bit too dense (I am). Simply put, CharacterController is collider as it inherits from collider class, you can use something like this:
Physics.IgnoreCollision(charCon, bombTra.GetComponent<Collider>());
Does this get you past your problem?
To make sure, I had to code along:
Bomb setup:
BoxCollider, as trigger
BoxCollider, not trigger
Player setup:
DropBomb Script:
void Start ()
charCon = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
void Update ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) LayBomb();
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) charCon.Move(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) charCon.Move(-Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime);
void LayBomb()
// drop bomb
bombTra = Instantiate(bombFab) as Transform;
bombTra.position = transform.position;
// Start ignoring collisions
Physics.IgnoreCollision(charCon, bombTra.GetComponent<Collider>());
void OnTriggerExit(Collider col)
// stop ignoring collisions
Physics.IgnoreCollision(charCon, bombTra.GetComponent<Collider>(),false);
Now the player can drop a bomb, walk inside it, but as soon as he exits the perimeter, collisions are once again active. As this should only happen between player-bomb, other players and enemies won’t be able to walk past bomb when it’s dropped and player is “inside” bomb. Didn’t test this part, but other than that it works. Let me know if you got it working!
Thanks for your effort!
So you are just passing the charactercontroller as an argument to Physics.IgnoreCollision, but that doesn’t seem to work.
Also using .GetComponent() on the bomb object I don’t know what I get, since I have 2 colliders.
Here is my code:
Collider collider = null;
foreach (Collider coll in bomb.GetComponents<Collider> ())
if (!coll.isTrigger) { collider = coll; }
else { }
Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, controller);
This doesn’t work, its still colliding with the bomb. I also tried it without GetComponent instead of GetComponents, but to no avail.
EDIT: I tried to ignore other colliders of the map and it behaved very strangely, anyway I am away for 8 days now, will take a look at it with a fresh mind then ;D.
There is a huge bug currently with physics.ignore collision where all objects in the hierarchy reset there trigger states calling on trigger exit and enter. Watch out for it. It will cause tons of issues that are hard to track. sounds like this bug could be part of your problem.
Looks like there is something wrong with it. Has anyone tried using Physics.IgnoreCollision with the CharacterController? Maybe I will start looking for a custom character controller.
The problem with physics.ignore collision is related to unity integration of physx. Needs to be fixed by them.
That’s bad… I’m stuck with this problem for too many days now.
I added another CharacterController in the scene and Physics.IgnoreCollision works if I put the two CharacterControllers in it. I wonder why it’s not working with other colliders.
Maybe I will just use a trigger collider instead and solve collision ( pushing back the character ) myself…
Yeah, that’s what I did for my projectiles. I changed everything to work with triggers so I could not use Physics.IgnoreCollision at all (as this important feature is almost 100% useless due to the resetting of trigger states) and then in my OnTriggerEnter code manually apply the early out. E.g.
Also I’d open the bug with Unity. I contacted people there directly as the functionality is in their manual and thus they didn’t see it as a bug, but it would help to show this is effecting more people in the community.
It works now. -.-
It was my mistake all along. I had a child game object that had a sphere collider ( didn’t knew about that ). That’s why it was always colliding. You can actually use Physics.IgnoreCollision with the CharacterController and any collider. I don’t know if there is a problem with OnTriggerEnter or something though. For now everything seems to work. I wanted to create workaround using Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision and at some point noticed the other collider.
Glad it works for you:
When you call Physics.IgnoreCollision on say a bullet and a gun held in a characters hand the following will happen:
The bullet, gun, and character holding the gun:
Will leave all triggers (causing OnTriggerExit() to call)
Will enter all triggers (causing OnTriggerEnter() to call).
So imagine a character is standing on a pressure plate trigger that opens a door. Each time they fire their gun the bullet will ignore the gun and thus the entire hierarchy leaves the trigger. So you the door would get a message to close and then to open again as if the character stepped off and back onto the pressure plate (you’d hear both sounds) Watch out for the above condition. Sounded like your problem, glad it wasn’t.
Thanks for your help btw., you told me I could just use the CharacterController as a collider, which I didn’t know. Everything else was just my mistake