CharacterController can push through rigidbody mass 10000000


I have a dynamic rigidbody object (Cube) that is spining on its own, and I find that even if I set the mass to very high (100000), the character controller can push it easily. If the Cube is not moving, then it cannot be pushed. I can’t set it kinematic as the charactercontroller can push through it.

I reckon there are some forces when the cube is rotating, so I tried setting the velocity, angularvelocity and inertia to zero in fixedupdate, but no go. What would you make such a dynamic rigidbody that is not pushable by character controller?

The character controller is not part of the phyics system so it won’t interact properly. Google for a rigid body walker.

yeah, that’s a pain. But I’m using locomotion, so need a character controller.