characterController.isGrounded flickers between true and false when the ground pound button is pressed

The issue I am experiencing is that CharacterController.isGrounded flickers between true and false when the player holds down the ground pound button, even if the player is already grounded. Here is my code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class MovementController : MonoBehaviour
// declare reference variables
PlayerInput playerInput;
CharacterController characterController;

// variables to store player input values
Vector2 currentMovementInput;
Vector3 currentMovement;
Vector3 currentRunMovement;
Vector3 appliedMovement;
bool isMovementPressed;
bool isRunPressed;

float rotationFactorPerFrame = 15.0f;
public float runMultiplier = 3.0f;
public float walkSpeed = 1.5f;

// gravity variables
public float gravity = -9.8f;
public float groundedGravity = -3.00f;
public float terminalVelocity = -20.0f;

// jumping variables
bool isJumpPressed = false;
float initialJumpVelocity;
public float maxJumpHeight = 2.0f;
public float maxJumpTime = 0.75f;
public int jumpCount = 0;
bool isJumping = false;

// groundPound variables
public bool isGroundPoundPressed = false;
public bool isGroundPounding = false;
public float groundPoundSpeed = -20.0f;
float previousHeight = 0.0f;
public float knockbackForce = 5.0f; // You can tweak this to get the desired knockback force

// Awake is called earlier than Start in unity's event life cycle
void Awake()
    //initially set reference variables
    playerInput = new PlayerInput();
    characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

    //  set the player input callbacks
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.started += onMovementInput;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.canceled += onMovementInput;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.performed += onMovementInput;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.started += onRun;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.canceled += onRun;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Jump.started += onJump;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.Jump.canceled += onJump;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.GroundPound.started += onGroundPound;
    playerInput.CharacterControls.GroundPound.canceled += onGroundPound;


void setupJumpVariables()
    float timeToApex = maxJumpTime / 2;
    gravity = (-2 * maxJumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToApex, 2);
    initialJumpVelocity = (2 * maxJumpHeight) / timeToApex;

void onJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
    isJumpPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();

void onGroundPound(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
    isGroundPoundPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();

void onRun(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
    isRunPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();

// handler function to set the player input values
void onMovementInput(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
    currentMovementInput = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
    currentMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * walkSpeed;
    currentMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * walkSpeed;
    currentRunMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * runMultiplier;
    currentRunMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * runMultiplier;
    isMovementPressed = currentMovementInput.x != 0 || currentMovementInput.y != 0;

void HandleRotation()
    Vector3 positionToLookAt;
    // the change in position our character should point to 
    positionToLookAt.x = currentMovement.x;
    positionToLookAt.y = 0.0f;
    positionToLookAt.z = currentMovement.z;
    // the current rotation of our character
    Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;

    if (isMovementPressed)
        // creates a new rotation based on where the player is currently pressing 
        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(positionToLookAt);
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationFactorPerFrame * Time.deltaTime);

void HandleJump()
    if (characterController.isGrounded)
        // Reset jump variables when grounded
        isJumping = false;
        jumpCount = 0; // Reset the jump count on the ground
        currentMovement.y = groundedGravity; // Reset vertical velocity

    if (isJumpPressed && jumpCount < 2)
        isJumping = true;
        currentMovement.y = initialJumpVelocity;
        appliedMovement.y = initialJumpVelocity;
        jumpCount++; // Increment jump count after the jump is initiated
        isJumpPressed = false; // Prevent multiple increments in the same frame

void HandleGroundPound()
    // Check if the player is grounded
    if (characterController.isGrounded)
        if (isGroundPounding)
            // If the player is grounded and we were in a ground pound, complete it
            isGroundPounding = false;
            Debug.Log("Ground Pound Complete");
        return; // If grounded, no ground pound should happen

    // If the player is not grounded and ground pound button is pressed
    if (isGroundPoundPressed && !isGroundPounding)
        // Store the player's height before the ground pound
        previousHeight = transform.position.y;

        isGroundPounding = true;
        currentMovement.y = groundPoundSpeed; // Apply downward speed for the ground pound
        appliedMovement.y = groundPoundSpeed;

        Debug.Log("Ground Pound Initiated");

void HandleGravity()
    bool isFalling = currentMovement.y <= 0.0f || !isJumpPressed;
    float fallMultiplier = 2.0f;
    // apply proper gravity depending on if the character is grounded or not 
    if (characterController.isGrounded)
        currentMovement.y = groundedGravity;
        appliedMovement.y = groundedGravity;

        if (isGroundPounding)
            isGroundPounding = false; // Reset ground pounding
            // Apply the knockback effect
            float knockbackHeight = Mathf.Max(0.0f, previousHeight - transform.position.y); // Calculate how far they've fallen
            currentMovement.y = knockbackForce * knockbackHeight; // Apply force based on height
            appliedMovement.y = currentMovement.y;
    else if (isFalling)
        float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
        currentMovement.y = currentMovement.y + (gravity * fallMultiplier * Time.deltaTime);
        appliedMovement.y = Mathf.Max((previousYVelocity + currentMovement.y) * 0.5f, terminalVelocity);
        float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
        currentMovement.y = currentMovement.y + (gravity * Time.deltaTime);
        appliedMovement.y = (previousYVelocity + currentMovement.y) * 0.5f;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

    if (isRunPressed)
        appliedMovement.x = currentRunMovement.x;
        appliedMovement.z = currentRunMovement.z;
        appliedMovement.x = currentMovement.x;
        appliedMovement.z = currentMovement.z;

    characterController.Move(appliedMovement * Time.deltaTime);


void OnEnable()
    // enable the character controls action map

void OnDisable()
    // Disable the character controls action map
