CharacterController react to being pushed?

I have a platformer and I want the player character to be pushed by a moving object. This works, but it seems to hold the character in the air when he jumps. I also noticed that this collision isn’t detected by the CharacterController component. These problems are only corrected when the player moves toward the object. I can’t find any other way to even detect this collision.

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If I add a RigidBody to the moving object, it has to be kinematic, which makes the player fly up the side of the object, again, unless you move toward the object. Even then, the OnCollisionEnter doesn’t trigger on the moving object.

Is there any way to do normal push physics with the CharacterController, or even detect a collision like this on the player? It’s so close to being what I want that trying to make the character an actual physics object seems like overkill.

In the image i can actually see the character moving down while block is pushing it, so i believe it’s not really holding it, more like keeping it at one point by first second inertia. You character seems to jitter very heavily, how are you updating your character position? There are some limitation with character controller collisions by default, your movement logic is quite simple, why can’t you use simple collider with rigidbody and controls?