Hi. Have a question here. Is it possible to move character (without input, but thru the script) to certain point with other character. After he reach it will play animation where they both interact (for example - wolf eat sheep). it’s in 3d.
If it possible how should i cut animations clips and what traps should i expect?
And how to get character to certain point where interactive animation will start?
Please C#
Thanks in advance
A lot of question in one thread.
What have you tried so far?
Is it possible to move character (without input, but thru the script) to certain point with other character.
Yes, it is possible. use Transform.translate, Vector3.lerp or similar to change the positions of objects gradually. The Unity API is your friend.
After he reach it will play animation where they both interact (for example - wolf eat sheep).
To find out if the characcter has reached a position, either check the distance via Vector3.distance continually or check if their colliders touch (one of the characters needs a rigidbody). Animations are played with Animation.Play(NameOfAnimationClip) or Animation.Crossfade(NameOfAnimationClip, FadeTime).
If it possible how should i cut animations clips and what traps should i expect?
What do you mean by “cut animations (sic) clips”? You just import the animations from your 3d model file and add them to the object’s Animation component.
Traps? If you encounter any, post a new thread and provide any code you have written thus far.