Recently I purchased the 24 for 24 bundle pack which also included two bundle sets. The character customisation 3D bundle and the Artistic bundle. But when collecting some of these, through the pay system, even though it has said FREE and $0 to pay… i was charged for some of these items, 6 to be exact. and not only that, i was charged twice for the same asset, two times. Very stressful and frustrating. Given this is also a difficult time for me financially. And unity have taken the money… more than $200 US extra and never reply to my support requests. Please help if anyone can,
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It can take several weeks for support to reply.
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Can you provide support request number to further help by stuff like @AndrewAssetStore ?
was this directed at me? What do you mean?
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But in a few weeks there will be no chance of getting the money corrected as my money would surely be gone by then…
Yes, it’s normal practice here on Discussions to indicate your number to accelerate the process.
Number (ID) you can get from confirmation email or from