The leading charting asset for Unity. 2D and 3D , Beautiful Responsive and Interactive. All charts are completely customizable and can be set up quickly either from code or from the unity editor.
Your product is excellent and very customziable ! Just one question, My client has this idea of adding fire on top of each bar in the bar chart. I noticed there are plenty of ready made prefabs for bar and pie chart. Is there a way i can create a prefab with fire on top ?
Hi there!
If i get you correctly you would like to add a particle effect to your chart.
This can be done by duplicating one of the existing prefabs and adding a child object with the particle system effect you would like to add.
So for example you can duplicate the prefab at : Chart And Graph/Prefabs/3D/stretch bar. Then add the particle effect as a child object on top of the prefab and assign it to your chart.
When you build for UWP10 (Hololens) I have problems with TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc and ToShortTimeString() to make it work change ChartDateUtility.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ChartAndGraph
/// <summary>
/// holds date values
/// </summary>
class ChartDateUtility
private static DateTime Epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
public static double DateToValue(DateTime dateTime)
//dateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime);
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dateTime, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time"));
return (dateTime - Epoch).TotalSeconds;
public static string DateToTimeString(DateTime dateTime)
//return dateTime.ToShortTimeString();
return dateTime.ToString("t");
public static string DateToDateString(DateTime dateTime)
//return dateTime.ToShortDateString();
return dateTime.ToString("d");
public static string DateToDateTimeString(DateTime dateTime)
//return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",dateTime.ToShortDateString(),Environment.NewLine, dateTime.ToShortTimeString());
return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", dateTime.ToString("d"), Environment.NewLine, dateTime.ToString("t"));
public static DateTime ValueToDate(double value)
return Epoch.AddSeconds(value);
Hello and thank you for you feed back and for purchasing our product. Another thing that could work is not converting to utc at all , This should work on hololens , as well all the other platforms.
This fix will be added to the next version
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ChartAndGraph
/// <summary>
/// holds date values
/// </summary>
class ChartDateUtility
private static DateTime Epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
public static double DateToValue(DateTime dateTime)
//dateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime);
return (dateTime - Epoch).TotalSeconds;
public static string DateToTimeString(DateTime dateTime)
return dateTime.ToShortTimeString();
public static string DateToDateString(DateTime dateTime)
return dateTime.ToShortDateString();
public static string DateToDateTimeString(DateTime dateTime)
return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",dateTime.ToShortDateString(),Environment.NewLine, dateTime.ToShortTimeString());
public static DateTime ValueToDate(double value)
return Epoch.AddSeconds(value);
An update containing the fix and resources folder reduced to bare essentials has been submitted to unity for review. Should hit the store in a couple of days.
Is any way to improve shaders to use single pass rendering methods?
Another bug, to recreate it you must:
1 Create new scene
2 Create UI canvas
3 Set canvas to word space
4 Set scale of canvas 0.1
5 Set position to 0 0 0
6 Create Image - parent of canvas
7 Create Tools-Charts-Graph-Simple as parent of image
8 Set recttransform to stretch by width and height
9 Rotate root canvas by set 0,30,0
10 Play
Orientation bug is fixed , contact me with email and i will send a hot fix, will be updated at the store also.
Regarding the shaders. 3d gradient works like unity’s toon shader, which uses a few passes. this choice is due to visual apearance , toon shaders makes gradients look much better. However your comment is noted , another gradient shader will be added.
Added an example of how to dynamically add and remove categories , this on is for the bar chart but is similar to other charts. (other charts require different arguments)
groups can be added in the same way , using AddGroup and RemoveGroup
public class BarChartFeed : MonoBehaviour {
public Material CutomCategoryMaterial;
void Start ()
BarChart barChart = GetComponent<BarChart>();
if (barChart != null)
barChart.DataSource.SetValue("Player 1", "Value 1", Random.value * 20);
barChart.DataSource.SlideValue("Player 2", "Value 1", Random.value * 20, 40f);
barChart.DataSource.AddCategory("Player 4", CutomCategoryMaterial); // Add a category
barChart.DataSource.SlideValue("Player 4", "Value 1", Random.value * 20, 40f);
barChart.DataSource.RemoveCategory("Player 4"); // remove a category
transform.localPosition assign attempt for ‘New Game Object’ is not valid. Input localPosition is { NaN, 0.000000, NaN }.
ChartAndGraph.BarChart:CreateBar(Vector3, Double, Single, Single, String, String, Int32, Int32) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarChart.cs:444)
ChartAndGraph.BarChart:AddBarToChart(Double, Double, Double, Double, String, String, Int32, Int32) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarChart.cs:605)
ChartAndGraph.BarChart:AddRowToChartMesh(Double[,], Int32, Double, Double) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarChart.cs:730)
ChartAndGraph.BarChart:GenerateChart() (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarChart.cs:804)
ChartAndGraph.BarChart:MDataSource_DataStructureChanged(Object, EventArgs) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarChart.cs:349)
ChartAndGraph.DataSource.ChartDataSourceBase:OnDataStructureChanged() (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/DataSource/ChartDataSourceBase.cs:35)
ChartAndGraph.ChartSparseDataSource:ItemRemoved(IDataItem) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/DataSource/ChartSparseDataSource.cs:239)
ChartAndGraph.ChartSparseDataSource:Columns_ItemRemoved(ChartDataColumn) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/DataSource/ChartSparseDataSource.cs:251)
ChartAndGraph.ChartDataSourceBaseCollection`1:Remove(T) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/DataSource/ChartDataSourceBaseCollection.cs:162)
ChartAndGraph.BarData:RemoveCategory(String) (at Assets/Chart and Graph/Script/BarChart/BarData.cs:327)
What we’re trying to do is to clear all categories and groups dynamically and set them again when data gets updated…
An example of how to load graph data from a database:
In this example that data contains two columns , x and y.
first you should execute an sqlCommand and obtain the data , then use it like this :
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
graphChart = GetComponent<GraphChart>();
while (reader.Read())
double x = reader.GetDouble(0);
double y = reader.GetDouble(1);
chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("MyCategory", x, y);
Does this plugin offers a solution for scrollable graphs? I need to be able to scroll on the X axis - I have a large amount of data and if I display everything in one screen, it will be very crowded.
Hi There.
For the canvas graph this is possible by adding the graph into a scrollable ui container. For the 3d graph this is not supported. I will take this note however , since this is a feature i was thinking of adding. Thank you for your feedback.
I wanted to confirm from you if an app developed in Unity using this asset and exported to HoloLens / Windows platform would work as expected and not have any issues.
I ask this question as I had similar build issues with another Asset package on Unity not being compatible when exported to windows / HoloLens based platform.
I had several customers using Hololens, However i do not own hololens so I did not test it myself, If any problem will arise feel free to contact me on . I can either fix it , or if for some reason you can’t use it on hololens I can refund you. Edit : Hololens is fully supported
I wanna use 3D Chart in 3D space. But those label (item label, category label…ets) can’t fixed on 3D coordinate. Always move with camera. How can I do?