Guys, I want to ask a question. How could I make a chat background similar like this link?
With the auto text (the text will automatically typed one by one words per time).
The thing is, I already done the chat background similar to the image above, but with the transparent background, when I tried to fill the transparent background with the text in it, the text did not show.
Here is the image when it is on transparent background:
And here is the code that I have been using for this one (auto text):
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AutoText : MonoBehaviour
public float letterPause = 0.5f; // Define and set the pause for each letters
public AudioClip sound = null; // For the sound
public static string message = "Help...! Help...!" + "
" + “Somebody…! Please Help Me…!”; // The message
private void Start()
IEnumerator TypedText()
// Loop through the message
foreach (char letter in message.ToCharArray())
// Set the gui text to be same with message
guiText.text += letter;
// If sound available
if (sound)
// Play it on each words
// Go back to the if statement
yield return 0;
// Each letters will be shown for how many seconds delay
yield return new WaitForSeconds(letterPause);
For the text itself, I create a gui text in the unity editor and put the script on it, like the below image:
Could anyone help me?
Thank you