Chat/Instant Messaging Plugin ?

Anybody knows a plugin that handles 1 on 1 chat system that works even if the other user is offline ?

We like to add chat features to our turn based game but I am amazed that such simple plugin is not available in the asset store ( or I am not good enough to find it ! )

It’s not simple if it needs to work when a user is offline. Then you most likely need some sort of a service or a custom server to store and serve the messages.

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Indeed. But seeing so many different kind of services nowadays that offers some kind of hosting ( logs, events, backend etc … ), I am pretty sure a service for chatting must exist


One ready to use in unity? I’ve not seen one, might be a paid asset somewhere that handles most of it.

I use firebase for the messaging backend (the database, not the actual “firebase messaging”) that is part of the firebase unity sdk, and had to write the chat client part myself. The “offline” part is handled by push messages on android.

Wanna see how that has turned out so far?

Most chatting services exist as part of a framework. GameSparks and PlayFab, for example, have chatting frameworks in addition to all of the other services they offer. To my knowledge the only solution that is standalone is Photon Chat.

An asset plugin is not sufficient as you need a backend server to deliver the messages when they are offline.

There are two main reasons for this: (a) game networking frameworks, as I mentioned earlier, often include this as part of their framework, and (b) chat systems are one of the easiest networking topics where practically everyone capable of building their own multiplayer system is capable of building their own chat system.


No I didn’t find a chat system as you mention.

Yes is simple to build a 1 on 1 chat system. @ttermeer There is an old book that shows how to make multiplayer and chat in a simple way. Is not updated and Unity has improved a lot server network system. But I still recommend it. Also looking into youtube video in how to make a chat system using Unity. Look int the Unity Networking first. Is simple if you do it by yourself. Sometimes using others plug-in can be more complicated at long terms.

If you want a chat system that works even if the other user is offline but connected to internet. Then probably you need to do a second application that is always connected and sending receiving messages when the game is not open. I let you know that if you have a server, you can also send a short message sms to others player phone using a PHP. In this way if the other player is not in the game or is not connected at all it can receive the chat message in the phone.
You can also think in integrating with WhatsApp into the game?

Yes I am well aware of that.

Thanks for the all the reply. I guess I cannot avoid doing it myself

If anybody needs, I found SendBird ( which has a Unity plugin

Just be prepared to be quoted a high number when you reach the point that you need to “Contact Us”. That’s almost always the case where that phrase is used. I’d be very surprised if the cost weren’t at least as high as the cost of Photon Chat’s highest tiers (

If you’re planning on anything of any real size then I highly recommend using GameSparks ( since their free restrictions are far less limiting. Where SendBird has a 1,000 MAU (Monthly Active Users) and 25 CCU (Concurrent Users), GameSparks gives you the first 100,000 MAU for free with no limit on CCUs.

Of course if you’re just making this for yourself and some friends choose whichever is easiest for you.

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Thanks for the recommendation Ryiah!

Hi Ttermeer,
If you have any questions about using GameSparks you can get in touch with our support team via we’d be happy to assist!

Nakama has a realtime chat component that allows the player to PM others or join a group chat conversation. It’s also entirely open-source :slight_smile: You can find the unity package here. I’m one of the devs behind it so let me know if you have any technical or non-technical questions.

Unlikely, it’s too complicaed and I was unable to integrate it in 1 hour. I suppose that many developers are looking for simple 1 minute pure chat integration)

Hi Hippogames,

I am sorry to hear that you found GameSparks overly complicated to integrate with. The support team is on hand to help you with any questions you may have should you decide to spend some more time on the platform.


Wondering can I make a simple message board in my unity game using gamesparks? I would like to have a player start a message thread, then other can add comments/respond. Also, the ability to rate the thread, and then show top rated threads, search threads. Basically a small forum.
Is this possible with gamesparks, and is there any tutorial for such a thing?