Cheap, Fast, Beautiful

if you’ve done work in the biz, you might know this formula.

you can choose only two. which would you choose?

(meant to be a little humourous game)

I like 'em cheap and beautiful. They can take all the time they want.


For my women, cheap and beautiful. It’s better if they’re slow, easier to catch them then.

Very, very funny!

Cheap and Beautiful, no question.

Cheap and Busty. I mean Beautiful…crap!

That’s not the Golden Triangle of Production that I learned.

Cheap and plentiful… hic…
…sssrry… whuz da question agn…? …hic…

Wait… is it too late to change my vote to Busty Busty?


throws D&D dice on the floor, resulting in snake eyes: 1, 1


gets carried away by two dark shrouded creatures

Fast and beautiful, 'cause I’m not either. :wink:

(Oh, I meant for the game as well…)

As for busty… strike three. I’m out. LOL!


Cute + busty? =X

I believe we have a winner. Most popular of the three is Busty.

More bust please.

Cheap and fast so I can entertain all the 12 year old’s with my huge explosions and no storyline.

Otherwise known as: the App Store!


Although busty is always a plus.