Working on making a character controller for a 2d side scroller, and I want to keep as many functionalities things as possible in it. Disclaimer - I am not very good at coding and mainly rely on brute force to make things work.
Currently trying to get the ability to interact working, but I’m getting stuck.
What I want to do:
I made a class which all interactables inherits from. The player should be able to walk up to the interactable. From the array that I get from the OverlapCircleAll I wish to then grab the currentInteractable and perform the appropriate function.
Problem is:
It ain’t doing it… Seems that it isn’t finding the currentInteractable, or it isn’t able to execute the function. Anyone who’s better at code that can help me out?
//Interactable Script, in a separate script and inherits all functions from another class as you can see
public class CubeInteractable : Interactable
public override void OnRange()
Debug.Log("Can Interact");
public override void OnInteract()
public override void OnLoseRange()
Debug.Log("No Interact");
Character Controller in a separate script
public bool canInteract = true;
[SerializeField] private float interactionRadius = 2;
[SerializeField] public LayerMask whatIsInteractable = default; //=7
private Interactable currentInteractable;
private void Update()
if (canInteract)
private void HandleInteraction()
Collider2D[] hitInteractable = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, interactionRadius, whatIsInteractable);
foreach (Collider2D interactable in hitInteractable)
interactable.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out currentInteractable);
if (currentInteractable)
currentInteractable = null;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
foreach(Collider2D interactable in hitInteractable)
if (currentInteractable != null)