check if an object is reachable

Hello, I am trying to create a simple movement script for bots. I created NavMesh, baked all static objects and added the agent.

Automatically I added some points which are the desirable locations for the bot to reach. Some of them lie outside the NavMesh. Is it possible to check: whether a target point is reachable or not? (lies in the NavMesh or outside)

Thank you very much!

The NavMesh.CalculatePath should be able to find which nodes are reachable inside the area mask.

Thank you for your help! The problem was in coordiates. I had different coordinates (local) for cubes and global for agent.

Here’s the working script to go from one point to another.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class randomcubepathgeneration : MonoBehaviour {

	//all target points
	public Transform target1;
	public Transform target2;
	public Transform target3;
	public Transform target4;
	public Transform target5;
	public Transform target6;
	public Transform target7;
	public Transform target8;
	public Transform target9;
	public Transform target10;
	public Transform target11;
	public Transform target12;
	public Transform target13;
	public Transform target14;
	public Transform target15;
	public Transform target16;
	public Transform target17;
	public Transform target18;
	public Transform target19;
	public Transform target20;
	public Transform target21;
	public Transform target22;
	public Transform target23;
	public Transform target24;
	public Transform target25;
	public Transform target26;
	public Transform target27;
	public Transform target28;
	public Transform target29;
	public Transform target30;

	//create array from points
	public Transform[] allpoints;
	public int randomnumber;

	public NavMeshAgent agent;
	public NavMeshPath path;
	public NavMeshPathStatus status; 

	public bool reachable = false;
	public bool hasFoundPath;
	public bool anewpath;
	public bool doonce = true;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

		allpoints = new Transform[30]; 
		allpoints [0] = target1;
		allpoints [1] = target2;
		allpoints [2] = target3;
		allpoints [3] = target4;
		allpoints [4] = target5;
		allpoints [5] = target6;
		allpoints [6] = target7;
		allpoints [7] = target8;
		allpoints [8] = target9;
		allpoints [9] = target10;
		allpoints [10] = target11;
		allpoints [11] = target12;
		allpoints [12] = target13;
		allpoints [13] = target14;
		allpoints [14] = target15;
		allpoints [15] = target16;
		allpoints [16] = target17;
		allpoints [17] = target18;
		allpoints [18] = target19;
		allpoints [19] = target20;
		allpoints [20] = target21;
		allpoints [21] = target22;
		allpoints [22] = target23;
		allpoints [23] = target24;
		allpoints [24] = target25;	
		allpoints [25] = target26;
		allpoints [26] = target27;
		allpoints [27] = target28;
		allpoints [28] = target29;
		allpoints [29] = target30;

		agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent> ();
		path = new NavMeshPath(); //without this declaration NavMesh.CalculatePath doesn't work (it doesn't even show FALSE)
		anewpath = true;
			if (anewpath = true) {
				Debug.Log ("new target");
				//choosing random point
				randomnumber = Random.Range (0, allpoints.Length);
				hasFoundPath = agent.CalculatePath (allpoints [randomnumber].position, path);
				Debug.Log (hasFoundPath);
				anewpath = false; //wait till the player gets to the point 
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

		if((path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) && (doonce == true));
					print("The agent can reach the destionation");
					reachable = true;
					Debug.Log (status);
					doonce = false;

						if (reachable) {
							//go to this point (the action continues even after MB was pressed)
							agent.SetDestination (allpoints[randomnumber].transform.position);

		if((transform.position.x == allpoints[randomnumber].transform.position.x)&&(transform.position.z == allpoints[randomnumber].transform.position.z)){
			Debug.Log ("reached destination");
			anewpath = true;
			doonce = true;

				randomnumber = Random.Range (0, allpoints.Length);
				hasFoundPath = agent.CalculatePath (allpoints [randomnumber].position, path);
				Debug.Log (hasFoundPath);
				anewpath = false;
