Check if object is destroyed on level load, if so instantiate prefab?

I have pick up items that are destroyed when the player picks them up, when I load the level from the gameover or start screen after playing, the objects are still destroyed and therefore the player cannot pick them up. I would like it so that the objects are instantiated from a prefab when the level is reloaded. Here is my current script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class objectregen : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject original;
	public GameObject prefab;
	void Start(){
		if (!original) {

I get no errors but nothing happens.

I tried your script and it doesn’t seem to be working but there are no errors. The gameobject is not set active again. I also tried this script and it doesn’t work either:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class objectregen : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject prefab;
	void Start (){

		//foreach(GameObject g in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("pickup"))

EDIT: Wait your script worked perfectly and it turns out it was just Unity being weird, after closing and reopening it it worked, haha. Thank you so much!