I use iTween a lot. But is there a way to check if an object is currently standing still or is moving?
I use iTween a lot. But is there a way to check if an object is currently standing still or is moving?
well you could make something like this
ObjectA : Monobehaviour
public bool bIsOnTheMove = false;
private IEnumerator CheckMoving()
Vector3 startPos = transform.Position;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
Vector3 finalPos = transform.Position;
if( startPos.x != finalPos.x || startPos.y != finalPos.y
|| startPos.z != finalPos.z)
bIsOnTheMove = true;
you can use a while to keep the checking true, but it would be wise to only turn use the coroutine when you need to check the object.
*this may not compile it’s just a pseudo code to show the point i’m trying to make
Is the object a rigidbody? Or some object you might set into motion yourself? If it’s a rigidbody you might be able to check if its “sleeping” or not. Else if you issued the movement, you might be able to predetermine whether its in motion or not with some clever scripting. Last solution would be to have a function that checks:
function IsThisObjectMoving (object : Transform) : boolean {
var sek0pos : Vector3;
var sek1pos : Vector3;
sek0pos = object.position;
yield(WaitForSeconds(1.0); // Wait one second
sek1pos = object.position;
if(sek1pos - sek0pos).sqrMagnitude > 0.1)
return true;
return false;
I came up with this solution, worked best in my case.
function calcSpeed() {
prevPos = personagem.transform.position;
yield WaitForSeconds(0.5);
actualPos = personagem.transform.position;
if (prevPos == actualPos) print("character stoped");
if (prevPos != actualPos) print("character on the move");
jdsaraiva +1. I like this…
var IsMoved = false;
function moveCheck() {
var p1 = transform.position;
yield WaitForSeconds(0.5);
var p2 = transform.position;
IsMoved = (p1 != p2);
// or : IsMoved = (p1 == p2);
there’s also transform.hasChanged - Unity - Scripting API: Transform.hasChanged