Check the similarity between 2 audio clips

How can I check if 2 audio clips are similar? I tried many things out, but nothing worked correctly. I am already trying to figure it out for 2 weeks. Does anyone know how to do it? Is there an external library? Please help.
A code would be great.

what did you try so far?

check how others do it,
Compare two audio files online by measuring the similarity | Blue2Digital *theres info in description
Audio files similarity check - Signal Processing Stack Exchange

and should add more details to the question, so others could help (for example these questions)

It depends on what you consider similar. What are your parameters? What is it you are trying to achieve?

I want to compare if the recorded file is a bit similar to the original file.
If a person says “hi”, the script has to return 1.
If a person says another word the script has to return 0;
(The audio file is recorded while the game is running)

Microsoft have a speech to text library for c# if that’s what you are after. I’ve never used it with unity myself though.